Issue Concerning Help in Trouble
Introduction by Lydia Dominguez
This issue is created to help girls who are going through rough times right now. I know there are many lately who feel they can’t go on anymore or they feel that they are alone in their troubles…you’re not alone. I pray that this issue will be encouraging to you.I love you all and pray for you.
The King’s Daughters
Today’s compendium subject is:Troubles and Trials
Questions And Answers 3 Jeffersonville, IN 08-30-64 Morning47 Some… I give a little illustration this morning about a person that… One time this little woman had–had received the Holy Ghost. And she was a very sweet little person. They… She said… Well, she’d had a hard life, and her husband was an alcoholic. And so, she just kept on; she bore with him. He says, “You want to go to church, honey, take off. But I just go down to the saloon, down at the old Brown Derby, down here. Go and–on.” So they hung out down there all the time, used to be Bonifers. Many of you old-timers here remember when Bonifer had there on the corner of… It’s called Brown Derby now, I believe it is. So, hanging around down there, and the first thing you know, one night come up a question about church and about Christians. One of the old drunks setting there said, “There ain’t no such a thing as Christians anymore.” Said, “There is no such a thing. All this bunch of hypocrites,” said, “you see them out here smoking, drinking, doing the same thing that we do,” and said, “call themselves Christians. There is no such.”
48 This one drunk raised up and said, “Just a minute. There’s one that I know about. ” Said, “Who is it?” Said, “It’s my wife.” See? She’d become salty. He was catching it all the time. He said, “I bet if she was put to a squeeze…” He said, “No, she’s still a Christian; I’ll prove it to you.” Said, “I tell you what let’s do; let’s go up home, and I’ll show you whether she’s a Christian or not.” Said, “Let’s go up home, and now, let’s really be drunk. We’re going to act like we’re really drunk.” Knocked at the door, come in staggering over everything and–and… “Why don’t you set around this a-way,” and everything. And she set them all a chair and (his guests, you know)–and tried to make them just as welcome as could be. Said, “I want you to fix us some supper.” And so they–she went out and fixed some. Said, “we want ham and eggs.” He knowed they had it, so they fixed the ham and eggs. When he got there at the table, he looked at them like that, picked up his plate, and slammed the stuff on the floor, said, “You know, I don’t like my eggs like that. Come on boys let’s get out of here anyhow,” like that–like that. They went out and set down like that, you know.
49 And she come out; she said, “Dear, I’m–I’m sorry I didn’t get them fixed; I’ll fix some more for you.”
“Oh, nonsense, you knowed I didn’t want them that way in the first place,” just carrying on like that. They went out there, and set down, and act like they was drunk. They heard her in there kind of snubbing to herself, singing real low voice:
Must Jesus bear the cross alone,
All the world go free?
There’s a cross for every one,
And there’s a cross for me.
This consecrated cross I’ll bear,
Till death shall set me free,
One drunk looked at the other one, said, “She’s a Christian; she’s got it.” And that little woman led her husband, plus these others to Christ that night. See? Why? See? Just be real sweet. Just remember, He knows all about it. So, sister, or brother, whoever it might be, or brother, it is here, ’cause he asked about his wife, you just be salty; she’ll get thirsty if there’s anything in her to thirst for. If it isn’t, remember, if you got the wrong person, you’ll get the right one in the millennium. You just keep on going; all wrongs will be made right there.
At Thy Word Lord Phoenix, AZ 03-05-48
21 Walk out and claim your God given privilege. Sure. That’s right. Now. Then I can see as He said, “Now, thrust out into the deep, or launch out into the deep, and let down for the drought.” Now, He was educating that man, so that he would know just how to… After while, he had a great trial, remember, many of them. But he had to be educated. Now, maybe you have to be educated. Maybe that’s why the sickness is on you, that God has to educate you to a place that He is, and a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Maybe that’s what your faith is give to you. That’s why the sickness come upon you, to test your faith. Then you can walk out here in Phoenix, or–or Douglas, or wherever you’re from, and say, “I know. Nobody can tell me; I know He’s a Healer.”
Witnesses Jeffersonville, IN 04-05-53 Evening
23 Put the first things first, breaking up, making over, and then come rejoicing. Amen. All right. These children of Israel got down there, was under another king. Not… Their own king had been carried away with them. They come under another king, a cruel king, King Nebuchadnezzar. So one day, he said, that, “If any peoples…” When he made, erected a great image out in the fields, and said, that, “Every person that would not bow down to that image, must be thrown in the fiery furnace and be burned.” What a–a agree was made, that these boys should be burnt up, every one. And there was three down there that had had previous answer to prayer, named Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They turned their backs to the image. And they said, “Be it known to thee, O king…” I want you to notice this.
24 God wants His witnesses to be stern; not a witness today and wishy-washy tomorrow. I was preaching a funeral service today, and cutting it strong; someone asked me to, said, “I think most of the people were sinners, hadn’t accepted Christ.” I thought maybe I’d cut it a little too strong. And when I was going out in the–the undertaker’s car, he reached over and patted me on the shoulder, said, “Preacher, I want to comment you.” I thought, “Oh-oh.” He said, “That’s the way I think that it should be preached.” He said, “I don’t like wishy-washy religion.” I thought, “Boy, there’s hopes for you.” That’s right. That’s right, where you really put it where it belongs. That’s exactly right. Then these children of Israel, these, Shadrach and Meshach and Abednego, God’s witnesses…
25 God’s never been without a witness. He’s always… Now, here I want you to get this real close. God has never, at any time, been without a witness on earth. He’s always had at least one man He could put His hands on, say, “That’s My witness.” It’s come down to one man, one time; and Job was His only witness, and Abraham in the–in the land; but God had a witness. Somebody’s going to witness for God somewhere. Now, after while, we want to find out what a witness really is, of this day. All right. Notice. These men, as they went down there, they refused to eat the king’s meat, drink his wine, and they refused to bow to his image. They were a genuine true witness of God. Then there’s sometimes a penalty goes with a witness. Sometimes when you witness for God, you have to suffer a little bit.
26 You remember when mother told you that you couldn’t stay around home, as long as you read the Bible and carried on? Or, some of the neighbors said, or the children said, at school you was a fanatic, or something, because you was a true witness? Remember, on the job, how all the men laughed at you because you was a real witness? See? How on the streets you were made fun of, when you give a testimony? But that’s a genuine sign of a real, true witness. God wants witnesses. Now, some people say, “I testify in church.” That’s good. But, brother, let your Light shine in the dark places, where it’s really needed, out in the hedges and the highways, in the barrooms, out, down on the street. Everywhere you’re at, let your Light shine as a witness. Amen. Notice, then the fiery trial come on.
27 And every man that’ll witness for God will have to go through fiery trials. Isn’t it strange how God leads His people? Very strange… Just as soon as Jesus was baptized, He went into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. Just as soon as Israel come out, under the blood, circumcised, the Holy Spirit leading them in a form of a–a Light, right straight up to the Red Sea, and there, cornered: mountains on one side, desert on the other; Pharaoh’s army coming, and the Red Sea cutting them off. God led them right up to that place. Why? To get glory. Then Moses prayed; and God told him to step right on down towards the Red Sea, holding his stick out in front of him. And as he walked, the Red Sea moved from one side to the other, right across the Red Sea.
28 Why? God’s path led through. As soon as they come out of there, right into the wilderness of sin: strange. God’s path led right through that great temptation there, when they murmured against God. They went from there on, from one murmur to another, from one trial to another. As the old song says, “Some through the waters, some through the flood, some through deep trials, but all through the Blood.” That’s God’s way of leading, leading His testimonies, His witnesses. Now, when it come time, the test, of the fire, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, said, “Our God is able to deliver us from the fiery furnace; but nevertheless, if He doesn’t, we’re not bowing down.”
“We’re going to bow to Your witness.” I like that. I like that old courage. Like old Buddy Robinson, he said, “Lord, give me the backbone like a saw log.” That’s the kind of witness to be. Courage, God likes us to be courageous.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Bible says:Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
Psalm 126:5-6 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.
He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.
Psalm 34:17 The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.
Job 8:20-21 Behold, God will not cast away a perfect man, neither will he help the evil doers:
Till he fill thy mouth with laughing, and thy lips with rejoicing.
Psalm 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.
If you have a craft to share please send them to me!Craft Section
Tea With Lydia
This year at Ohio camp was a real blessing. I just thought I’d share with you the mighty hand of God and show you how Satan tries to tear that blessing away.Before Ohio camp I was really struggling with depression and self-confidence. I felt condemned for no good reason and I felt alone in the world. I felt that nobody was going through troubles like I was. (That of course was not true, as I later found out.) I traveled to camp with full expectation of the blessing the meetings would be to me. They surpassed all my hopes.
During camp, one of the girls, Sharon Woosley, brought my friends and I (8 in all) to her cabin for a little testimony time at around 12 or so at night. It was such a blessing that we all ended up crying and one of the girls went out. She stopped just outside by a tree and began crying and wailing. Before long all the rest of us had joined her and we were all crying, wailing, singing and praying as I have never heard before. We continued thus with the night guards gathered around us watching until at least three thirty in the morning. We then parted to go to bed but there were a few of us who rejoined in the bathroom and had another prayer time with weeping and fervent prayer. I didn’t get to bed until four in the morning. That night all 8 of us created the “Red Alert” group. One of the brothers who was speaking at the camp had said that Satan had a red alert button to call all his demons in when a person was getting serious with Christ so that he could send all of them to attack. So we decided to make a red alert group that we could repell the attack. Whenever we were struggling all we would have to do is text one of the girls and it would immediately put the girls to praying.
The rest of camp was full of the Spirit and you could feel God surround you at every meeting. The song specials that the girls who gathered outside sang were not at all for show. Every one of us sang with a sincerity in our hearts and the joy of the Lord. It was amazing.
Well, on the way home, the Devil really went on the rampage. I was given a real test which I don’t think I did very well with and that evil thing laughed in my face saying, “See you didn’t really get the Holy Ghost. You’re nothing special. You’re just a half breed anyway.” Like that, you know how that devil is. And I began to feel depressed and ready to give up trying. Again. But I pressed the panic button (I texted all the girls in the “Red Alert” group and they began to pray). All the way home I struggled and it got worse one I got home. The devil threw all his fiery darts at me from all sides. He soon had me isolated from all my friends in church except one and I was down in the valley.
Then I prayed to God two Sundays ago with Brother Ted, my pastor, and Brother Russell, the deacon and song leader. Both Brothers sincerely prayed that I would be delivered from the loneliness I was feeling. And I can honestly say that I don’t feel so lonely anymore. Praise God!
So, my dear friends, don’t give up. No matter what the devil tries to tell you…don’t give even an inch ‘cause if you give him an inch he’ll take a mile.
God Bless you.
Quick Facts!
Brother Branham’s grandmother came off the Oklahoma Indian reservation, and she drew a pension. She was full-blooded Cherokee Indian.61-0413 Why?, 50-0813A The Resurrection Of Lazarus
Book Review
Have you read any books that are worth reading and would like to recommend them? Well, this section is for that purpose! Here is what we already have:Basket of Flowers by Christoph von Schmid
This is an awesome story about a girl named Mary who is falsely accused of stealing a diamond ring from the countess and is exiled from the town with her father. She goes through many hard things with her father who eventually dies, leaving her in the hands of a family with a hateful mistress.
An encouraging story that is perfect if you are going through a trial.
This is where you will be able to announce what is/will be happening in your church and I will announce your birthdays here as well. Also, if you send in your email address, then we will send you a birthday ecard! Here are this and next month’s birthday:August through September:
Cassia Fraijo—August 7
Grace Dominguez—August 20
Hannah Bottazzi—August 25
Charity Dueck—August 27
Mindy Roberts—September 9
Kristen Bottazzi—September 10
Alena McLearn—September 17
Sarah MacDonald—September 22
Megan Laster—September 25
Megan Dudley—September 27
Dana Reese—September 28
Hannah McLearn—September 29
September 24-26, 2010, Evening Time Lighthouse will be holding their annual anniversary meetings. Brother Ray Erickson will be speaking! Come and be blessed!!
Happy Birthday to all of you special people!!!!!!
Pen pals
Do you want a pen pal? Here is where you can get one! I will list your name here in the next issue; all you have to do is request it. Be sure to include your age and address, please!Here are three addresses to start with:
Lydia Dominguez (18)
3346 Mesquite Tr.
Camp Verde, AZ 86322
Heather Roberts (25)
2054 Hardy Lane
Camp Verde, AZ 86322
Kristin Roberts (18)
P.O. Box 383
Cornville, AZ 86325
This section is to share the weather at your house!Camp Verde, Arizona: Hot and sticky…can’t wait until cooler weather comes!
He Understands My Tears
Verse I
It's hard to believe he still loves me
knowing how wrong I have been
When all I can say is I'm sorry
And all I can feel is my sin
He understands, when all I can do is cry
he feels the hurt that no one can see down inside
and when the words get in the way
i know he still hears
For he understands my tears
Verse II
You may not believe that I'm broken
For all you can see is my smile
Oh, but He hears the heart that's unspoken
and he gives me strength thru each trial
He understands, when all I can do is cry
he feels the hurt that no one can see down inside
and when the words get in the way
I know he still hears
for he understands my tears
Oh and when the words get in the way
I know he still hears
For he understands when no one else can
He understands my tears
This is where you can share a “tried-and-true” recipe with everyone. Most of us girls (and the moms out there) like to get new recipes to try. (Although, I’m sure that the brothers and dads are a bit nervousJ)Here is this issue’s recipe:
Old Fashioned Sour Cream
½ cup Shortening; (part butter)1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 2/3 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
½ cup sour cream
Heat oven to 425 F. Mix thoroughly shortening, sugar, egg and vanilla. Measure flour by dip-level-pour method. Mix dry ingredients and add to creamed mixture alternately with sour cream. Divide dough and roll out to 1/4-inch thickness on well-floured pastry cloth. Cut with 2-inch cutter; place on greased baking sheet. Sprinkle with sugar. Bake 8 to 10 minutes, or until delicately golden. Makes 4 to 5 dozen 2-inch cookies.
From the Storm to Victory
Splash! Crash! Over my head it swarms,The billows of life flow over me.
Its crashing fierceness chills my heart that once was warm.
I feel the sea carry me over its vastness.
I am amazed at its crafty fastness.
Up it takes me, and drops me low.
I feel the horror come, as my heart grows cold.
My memory reaches back into the past,
And I can see how I started to sink fast.
All the things I ever knew are lost in this moment.
The knowledge of right and wrong- it puts my mind in torment.
I hardly try to resist, and the waves begin to swallow me.
I am on the verge of giving up.
Why should I try anymore?
Then I know my hearts’ desire
Is for Christ to fill my cup.
So I stay afloat a while longer.
Yet, the current just grows stronger.
My choices have been foolish.
Why did I not reach for that life line?
How had I chose death instead of life?
I hear the Tempter laugh at me.
He says, ‘I have you now. Don’t you see?
Your testimony you have marred.
Just give up, your life’s not worth trying so hard.’
There I was in the sea,
And all Hell’s demons were laughing at me.
They said, “Your going to Hell with us.
What fine company you will be.’
The noise bounces in my ear,
As I am plunged beneath the surface.
‘We’ve got you, now, they say. Listen to us. Ya hear?
Your coming to Hell, and that’s all the story there is to tell.’
Once more I was drug down,
By my faults, failures, and bitterness.
My heart was darkened, and my anger did abound.
I thought this would be the last plunge,
I could hardly take anymore,
But as I looked up through the water,
I saw a Light coming from shore.
I moved toward the surface and tried to pray.
I was tired of my sad, darkened way.
I pressed, and I prayed, as I swam closer.
Yet, I had not reached my goal.
Satan says, ‘Give up, your name is not worthy
To be on Heaven’s Scroll.’
‘Of course, its not.’ I admit.
And push through another wave as it hits.
The Light was coming closer,
I could see It shining bright.
I wanted what It offered.
And by God’s grace, I took It there that night.
Oh, what glory is in Christ!
Oh, what joy without a man made price.
Satan had no victory.
For Jesus set me free!
My life was changed.
And I was delivered.
The chains that had held me fast were severed.
Hell’s demons had lost the fight.
I had given my burdens to Christ.
The ones I could not overcome, He took.
What grace lies within my Savior’s look.
Though Satan whispers in my ear,
I must choose not to hear.
I can say to them, ‘Jesus set me free.
I don’t have to listen to you, ya hear?
Forget what I have been,
My Jesus can cleanse my every sin.
Just give up Satan.
You have lost again!
I would love to hear from you! If you have any questions or comments about this newsletter please write to me!
Just email me at
If you have any ideas… enter the category in the subject line.
Psalms 45:13: The king’s daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold.
Until Next Time!
Your Friend from The King’s Daughters,

Hey Lydia! This is Anna Pyatskowit's sister, Kara. :)
ReplyDeleteNice blog btw.
If you want a banner etc. we could probably design you one. :)