We value the support we receive from our many readers and are pleased to see how many people our newsletter reaches! The King's Daughters newsletter now goes all over the U.S. and into Europe, Africa, New Zealand and many other countries thanks to your enthusiastic response!
Thank you!

Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Issue 3
Issue Concerning Help in Trouble
Introduction by Lydia Dominguez
This issue is created to help girls who are going through rough times right now. I know there are many lately who feel they can’t go on anymore or they feel that they are alone in their troubles…you’re not alone. I pray that this issue will be encouraging to you.I love you all and pray for you.
The King’s Daughters
Today’s compendium subject is:Troubles and Trials
Questions And Answers 3 Jeffersonville, IN 08-30-64 Morning47 Some… I give a little illustration this morning about a person that… One time this little woman had–had received the Holy Ghost. And she was a very sweet little person. They… She said… Well, she’d had a hard life, and her husband was an alcoholic. And so, she just kept on; she bore with him. He says, “You want to go to church, honey, take off. But I just go down to the saloon, down at the old Brown Derby, down here. Go and–on.” So they hung out down there all the time, used to be Bonifers. Many of you old-timers here remember when Bonifer had there on the corner of… It’s called Brown Derby now, I believe it is. So, hanging around down there, and the first thing you know, one night come up a question about church and about Christians. One of the old drunks setting there said, “There ain’t no such a thing as Christians anymore.” Said, “There is no such a thing. All this bunch of hypocrites,” said, “you see them out here smoking, drinking, doing the same thing that we do,” and said, “call themselves Christians. There is no such.”
48 This one drunk raised up and said, “Just a minute. There’s one that I know about. ” Said, “Who is it?” Said, “It’s my wife.” See? She’d become salty. He was catching it all the time. He said, “I bet if she was put to a squeeze…” He said, “No, she’s still a Christian; I’ll prove it to you.” Said, “I tell you what let’s do; let’s go up home, and I’ll show you whether she’s a Christian or not.” Said, “Let’s go up home, and now, let’s really be drunk. We’re going to act like we’re really drunk.” Knocked at the door, come in staggering over everything and–and… “Why don’t you set around this a-way,” and everything. And she set them all a chair and (his guests, you know)–and tried to make them just as welcome as could be. Said, “I want you to fix us some supper.” And so they–she went out and fixed some. Said, “we want ham and eggs.” He knowed they had it, so they fixed the ham and eggs. When he got there at the table, he looked at them like that, picked up his plate, and slammed the stuff on the floor, said, “You know, I don’t like my eggs like that. Come on boys let’s get out of here anyhow,” like that–like that. They went out and set down like that, you know.
49 And she come out; she said, “Dear, I’m–I’m sorry I didn’t get them fixed; I’ll fix some more for you.”
“Oh, nonsense, you knowed I didn’t want them that way in the first place,” just carrying on like that. They went out there, and set down, and act like they was drunk. They heard her in there kind of snubbing to herself, singing real low voice:
Must Jesus bear the cross alone,
All the world go free?
There’s a cross for every one,
And there’s a cross for me.
This consecrated cross I’ll bear,
Till death shall set me free,
One drunk looked at the other one, said, “She’s a Christian; she’s got it.” And that little woman led her husband, plus these others to Christ that night. See? Why? See? Just be real sweet. Just remember, He knows all about it. So, sister, or brother, whoever it might be, or brother, it is here, ’cause he asked about his wife, you just be salty; she’ll get thirsty if there’s anything in her to thirst for. If it isn’t, remember, if you got the wrong person, you’ll get the right one in the millennium. You just keep on going; all wrongs will be made right there.
At Thy Word Lord Phoenix, AZ 03-05-48
21 Walk out and claim your God given privilege. Sure. That’s right. Now. Then I can see as He said, “Now, thrust out into the deep, or launch out into the deep, and let down for the drought.” Now, He was educating that man, so that he would know just how to… After while, he had a great trial, remember, many of them. But he had to be educated. Now, maybe you have to be educated. Maybe that’s why the sickness is on you, that God has to educate you to a place that He is, and a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Maybe that’s what your faith is give to you. That’s why the sickness come upon you, to test your faith. Then you can walk out here in Phoenix, or–or Douglas, or wherever you’re from, and say, “I know. Nobody can tell me; I know He’s a Healer.”
Witnesses Jeffersonville, IN 04-05-53 Evening
23 Put the first things first, breaking up, making over, and then come rejoicing. Amen. All right. These children of Israel got down there, was under another king. Not… Their own king had been carried away with them. They come under another king, a cruel king, King Nebuchadnezzar. So one day, he said, that, “If any peoples…” When he made, erected a great image out in the fields, and said, that, “Every person that would not bow down to that image, must be thrown in the fiery furnace and be burned.” What a–a agree was made, that these boys should be burnt up, every one. And there was three down there that had had previous answer to prayer, named Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They turned their backs to the image. And they said, “Be it known to thee, O king…” I want you to notice this.
24 God wants His witnesses to be stern; not a witness today and wishy-washy tomorrow. I was preaching a funeral service today, and cutting it strong; someone asked me to, said, “I think most of the people were sinners, hadn’t accepted Christ.” I thought maybe I’d cut it a little too strong. And when I was going out in the–the undertaker’s car, he reached over and patted me on the shoulder, said, “Preacher, I want to comment you.” I thought, “Oh-oh.” He said, “That’s the way I think that it should be preached.” He said, “I don’t like wishy-washy religion.” I thought, “Boy, there’s hopes for you.” That’s right. That’s right, where you really put it where it belongs. That’s exactly right. Then these children of Israel, these, Shadrach and Meshach and Abednego, God’s witnesses…
25 God’s never been without a witness. He’s always… Now, here I want you to get this real close. God has never, at any time, been without a witness on earth. He’s always had at least one man He could put His hands on, say, “That’s My witness.” It’s come down to one man, one time; and Job was His only witness, and Abraham in the–in the land; but God had a witness. Somebody’s going to witness for God somewhere. Now, after while, we want to find out what a witness really is, of this day. All right. Notice. These men, as they went down there, they refused to eat the king’s meat, drink his wine, and they refused to bow to his image. They were a genuine true witness of God. Then there’s sometimes a penalty goes with a witness. Sometimes when you witness for God, you have to suffer a little bit.
26 You remember when mother told you that you couldn’t stay around home, as long as you read the Bible and carried on? Or, some of the neighbors said, or the children said, at school you was a fanatic, or something, because you was a true witness? Remember, on the job, how all the men laughed at you because you was a real witness? See? How on the streets you were made fun of, when you give a testimony? But that’s a genuine sign of a real, true witness. God wants witnesses. Now, some people say, “I testify in church.” That’s good. But, brother, let your Light shine in the dark places, where it’s really needed, out in the hedges and the highways, in the barrooms, out, down on the street. Everywhere you’re at, let your Light shine as a witness. Amen. Notice, then the fiery trial come on.
27 And every man that’ll witness for God will have to go through fiery trials. Isn’t it strange how God leads His people? Very strange… Just as soon as Jesus was baptized, He went into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. Just as soon as Israel come out, under the blood, circumcised, the Holy Spirit leading them in a form of a–a Light, right straight up to the Red Sea, and there, cornered: mountains on one side, desert on the other; Pharaoh’s army coming, and the Red Sea cutting them off. God led them right up to that place. Why? To get glory. Then Moses prayed; and God told him to step right on down towards the Red Sea, holding his stick out in front of him. And as he walked, the Red Sea moved from one side to the other, right across the Red Sea.
28 Why? God’s path led through. As soon as they come out of there, right into the wilderness of sin: strange. God’s path led right through that great temptation there, when they murmured against God. They went from there on, from one murmur to another, from one trial to another. As the old song says, “Some through the waters, some through the flood, some through deep trials, but all through the Blood.” That’s God’s way of leading, leading His testimonies, His witnesses. Now, when it come time, the test, of the fire, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, said, “Our God is able to deliver us from the fiery furnace; but nevertheless, if He doesn’t, we’re not bowing down.”
“We’re going to bow to Your witness.” I like that. I like that old courage. Like old Buddy Robinson, he said, “Lord, give me the backbone like a saw log.” That’s the kind of witness to be. Courage, God likes us to be courageous.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Bible says:Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
Psalm 126:5-6 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.
He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.
Psalm 34:17 The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.
Job 8:20-21 Behold, God will not cast away a perfect man, neither will he help the evil doers:
Till he fill thy mouth with laughing, and thy lips with rejoicing.
Psalm 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.
If you have a craft to share please send them to me!Craft Section
Tea With Lydia
This year at Ohio camp was a real blessing. I just thought I’d share with you the mighty hand of God and show you how Satan tries to tear that blessing away.Before Ohio camp I was really struggling with depression and self-confidence. I felt condemned for no good reason and I felt alone in the world. I felt that nobody was going through troubles like I was. (That of course was not true, as I later found out.) I traveled to camp with full expectation of the blessing the meetings would be to me. They surpassed all my hopes.
During camp, one of the girls, Sharon Woosley, brought my friends and I (8 in all) to her cabin for a little testimony time at around 12 or so at night. It was such a blessing that we all ended up crying and one of the girls went out. She stopped just outside by a tree and began crying and wailing. Before long all the rest of us had joined her and we were all crying, wailing, singing and praying as I have never heard before. We continued thus with the night guards gathered around us watching until at least three thirty in the morning. We then parted to go to bed but there were a few of us who rejoined in the bathroom and had another prayer time with weeping and fervent prayer. I didn’t get to bed until four in the morning. That night all 8 of us created the “Red Alert” group. One of the brothers who was speaking at the camp had said that Satan had a red alert button to call all his demons in when a person was getting serious with Christ so that he could send all of them to attack. So we decided to make a red alert group that we could repell the attack. Whenever we were struggling all we would have to do is text one of the girls and it would immediately put the girls to praying.
The rest of camp was full of the Spirit and you could feel God surround you at every meeting. The song specials that the girls who gathered outside sang were not at all for show. Every one of us sang with a sincerity in our hearts and the joy of the Lord. It was amazing.
Well, on the way home, the Devil really went on the rampage. I was given a real test which I don’t think I did very well with and that evil thing laughed in my face saying, “See you didn’t really get the Holy Ghost. You’re nothing special. You’re just a half breed anyway.” Like that, you know how that devil is. And I began to feel depressed and ready to give up trying. Again. But I pressed the panic button (I texted all the girls in the “Red Alert” group and they began to pray). All the way home I struggled and it got worse one I got home. The devil threw all his fiery darts at me from all sides. He soon had me isolated from all my friends in church except one and I was down in the valley.
Then I prayed to God two Sundays ago with Brother Ted, my pastor, and Brother Russell, the deacon and song leader. Both Brothers sincerely prayed that I would be delivered from the loneliness I was feeling. And I can honestly say that I don’t feel so lonely anymore. Praise God!
So, my dear friends, don’t give up. No matter what the devil tries to tell you…don’t give even an inch ‘cause if you give him an inch he’ll take a mile.
God Bless you.
Quick Facts!
Brother Branham’s grandmother came off the Oklahoma Indian reservation, and she drew a pension. She was full-blooded Cherokee Indian.61-0413 Why?, 50-0813A The Resurrection Of Lazarus
Book Review
Have you read any books that are worth reading and would like to recommend them? Well, this section is for that purpose! Here is what we already have:Basket of Flowers by Christoph von Schmid
This is an awesome story about a girl named Mary who is falsely accused of stealing a diamond ring from the countess and is exiled from the town with her father. She goes through many hard things with her father who eventually dies, leaving her in the hands of a family with a hateful mistress.
An encouraging story that is perfect if you are going through a trial.
This is where you will be able to announce what is/will be happening in your church and I will announce your birthdays here as well. Also, if you send in your email address, then we will send you a birthday ecard! Here are this and next month’s birthday:August through September:
Cassia Fraijo—August 7
Grace Dominguez—August 20
Hannah Bottazzi—August 25
Charity Dueck—August 27
Mindy Roberts—September 9
Kristen Bottazzi—September 10
Alena McLearn—September 17
Sarah MacDonald—September 22
Megan Laster—September 25
Megan Dudley—September 27
Dana Reese—September 28
Hannah McLearn—September 29
September 24-26, 2010, Evening Time Lighthouse will be holding their annual anniversary meetings. Brother Ray Erickson will be speaking! Come and be blessed!!
Happy Birthday to all of you special people!!!!!!
Pen pals
Do you want a pen pal? Here is where you can get one! I will list your name here in the next issue; all you have to do is request it. Be sure to include your age and address, please!Here are three addresses to start with:
Lydia Dominguez (18)
3346 Mesquite Tr.
Camp Verde, AZ 86322
Heather Roberts (25)
2054 Hardy Lane
Camp Verde, AZ 86322
Kristin Roberts (18)
P.O. Box 383
Cornville, AZ 86325
This section is to share the weather at your house!Camp Verde, Arizona: Hot and sticky…can’t wait until cooler weather comes!
He Understands My Tears
Verse I
It's hard to believe he still loves me
knowing how wrong I have been
When all I can say is I'm sorry
And all I can feel is my sin
He understands, when all I can do is cry
he feels the hurt that no one can see down inside
and when the words get in the way
i know he still hears
For he understands my tears
Verse II
You may not believe that I'm broken
For all you can see is my smile
Oh, but He hears the heart that's unspoken
and he gives me strength thru each trial
He understands, when all I can do is cry
he feels the hurt that no one can see down inside
and when the words get in the way
I know he still hears
for he understands my tears
Oh and when the words get in the way
I know he still hears
For he understands when no one else can
He understands my tears
This is where you can share a “tried-and-true” recipe with everyone. Most of us girls (and the moms out there) like to get new recipes to try. (Although, I’m sure that the brothers and dads are a bit nervousJ)Here is this issue’s recipe:
Old Fashioned Sour Cream
½ cup Shortening; (part butter)1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 2/3 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
½ cup sour cream
Heat oven to 425 F. Mix thoroughly shortening, sugar, egg and vanilla. Measure flour by dip-level-pour method. Mix dry ingredients and add to creamed mixture alternately with sour cream. Divide dough and roll out to 1/4-inch thickness on well-floured pastry cloth. Cut with 2-inch cutter; place on greased baking sheet. Sprinkle with sugar. Bake 8 to 10 minutes, or until delicately golden. Makes 4 to 5 dozen 2-inch cookies.
From the Storm to Victory
Splash! Crash! Over my head it swarms,The billows of life flow over me.
Its crashing fierceness chills my heart that once was warm.
I feel the sea carry me over its vastness.
I am amazed at its crafty fastness.
Up it takes me, and drops me low.
I feel the horror come, as my heart grows cold.
My memory reaches back into the past,
And I can see how I started to sink fast.
All the things I ever knew are lost in this moment.
The knowledge of right and wrong- it puts my mind in torment.
I hardly try to resist, and the waves begin to swallow me.
I am on the verge of giving up.
Why should I try anymore?
Then I know my hearts’ desire
Is for Christ to fill my cup.
So I stay afloat a while longer.
Yet, the current just grows stronger.
My choices have been foolish.
Why did I not reach for that life line?
How had I chose death instead of life?
I hear the Tempter laugh at me.
He says, ‘I have you now. Don’t you see?
Your testimony you have marred.
Just give up, your life’s not worth trying so hard.’
There I was in the sea,
And all Hell’s demons were laughing at me.
They said, “Your going to Hell with us.
What fine company you will be.’
The noise bounces in my ear,
As I am plunged beneath the surface.
‘We’ve got you, now, they say. Listen to us. Ya hear?
Your coming to Hell, and that’s all the story there is to tell.’
Once more I was drug down,
By my faults, failures, and bitterness.
My heart was darkened, and my anger did abound.
I thought this would be the last plunge,
I could hardly take anymore,
But as I looked up through the water,
I saw a Light coming from shore.
I moved toward the surface and tried to pray.
I was tired of my sad, darkened way.
I pressed, and I prayed, as I swam closer.
Yet, I had not reached my goal.
Satan says, ‘Give up, your name is not worthy
To be on Heaven’s Scroll.’
‘Of course, its not.’ I admit.
And push through another wave as it hits.
The Light was coming closer,
I could see It shining bright.
I wanted what It offered.
And by God’s grace, I took It there that night.
Oh, what glory is in Christ!
Oh, what joy without a man made price.
Satan had no victory.
For Jesus set me free!
My life was changed.
And I was delivered.
The chains that had held me fast were severed.
Hell’s demons had lost the fight.
I had given my burdens to Christ.
The ones I could not overcome, He took.
What grace lies within my Savior’s look.
Though Satan whispers in my ear,
I must choose not to hear.
I can say to them, ‘Jesus set me free.
I don’t have to listen to you, ya hear?
Forget what I have been,
My Jesus can cleanse my every sin.
Just give up Satan.
You have lost again!
I would love to hear from you! If you have any questions or comments about this newsletter please write to me!
Just email me at IrishFilly4Christ@hotmail.com
If you have any ideas… enter the category in the subject line.
Psalms 45:13: The king’s daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold.
Until Next Time!
Your Friend from The King’s Daughters,

Issue 2
The King’s Daughters
By: Lydia Dominguez Vol. 1
June/July 2010
Issue Concerning Joy
Introduction by Lydia Dominguez
I apologize for taking so long in getting this out to you all. Things have been rather hectic around here!
In this issue I will write about having joy. It’s hard in this day to have, especially with the devil sending depression and discouragement our way. I pray that this newsletter will continue to help you in your walk with Christ and remember that you are one of:
The King’s Daughters
Today’s compendium subject is:
Brother Branham says:
All the Days of Our Life CHICAGO_IL 06-12-59
Oh, how the Christian loves to do it. He doesn’t do it with a–a grudge; he does it with a feeling that he loves God; and he’s glad he can do it. It’s a joy to serve the Lord Jesus. It’s a joy to sacrifice. It’s a joy to worship the Lord. It’s a joy to be called a fanatic for the Kingdom of God’s sake. It’s a joy to take a stand for the right, and move from the wrong. Joy to praise Him. It’s a joy to abstain from the things of the world. It’s in their heart. It’s a perfect Lent. Lenten all the time. God’s Spirit comes into you and changes your desire. Now, we hear so much today about, “We are free. Oh, we live in a beautiful America. We are free.” Oh, the air’s full of it. Books are wrote of it, thousands of them. But you are a million miles from being free. You’re not free. Don’t you be deceived by that. America is one of the greatest deceived nations, and in more bondage than any place I know of. They’re worse in bondage than communism could put them in. Communism can only hurt the body; they can only put the body in bondage. But when the devil comes in, he puts the soul in bondage.
Only One True Living Church ERIE_PA 07-27-
Here it comes. This is a glorious thing. This is the day of the Lord. This is the day that we should be happy. For in our eyes today, and our ears is fulfilled the Word of God to this day, that the Lord has said. Praise be the Name of the Lord. This is it, the Holy Spirit here in confirmation of His Word. The prophecy that’s been already foretold and predicted, is being fulfilled now before your eyes in Erie, Pennsylvania, this night. And the Holy Spirit, Who wrote these Words, is here at this armory building tonight, to vindicate the Truth of God, according to the Word, the seed, and the fulfilling of the Word. He’s here. Then let us rejoice in our hearts, and be encouraged. Let us set up, and take heed to what we have heard, ‘less we should let it slip at any time. Let us believe on Him with one heart and one accord. We are limited, and I am limited, to whatever the Father would show me, that I can do; without that, I can do nothing; for I only fulfill the Words that was spoken by the Lord Jesus.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Bible says:
Psalm 126:5-6
They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.
6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.
Habakkuk 3:18
Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.
Psalm 68:3
But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.
Nehemiah 8:10
Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.
If you have a craft to share please send them to us!
“FUN MASKS” by Abigail Scott
What you’ll need: A plain mask (It can be a mask that covers your whole face or one that just goes over your eyes.)
Glue (Be sure to buy the kind of glue that says it can be used for masks and feathers.)
A creative imagination!! =D
What to do: Make sure your mask is clean before you begin (you can buy masks at craft stores like Hobby Lobby)
Then decide what you want your mask to look like.
When you have an idea of what you want it to be like, then start decorating…you can put all kinds of feathers on it or glitter. You can also draw things on it with markers (be sure to get markers that wont smear). Just be creative!!
Once your all done, you may even want to make one for each of your friends and have a masked tea party, birthday party or even a slumber party!
Well, that’s all….have fun!!!! =)
Craft Section
Tea With Lydia
Thank the Lord for Friends
We Are Friends
Whether the day is good or bad,
Whether I’m feeling happy or sad,
If I have a need, you’ll comprehend;
You’ll be there to share and be a friend.
Other people may fill my day,
But never in such an important way;
We support each other ‘round all life’s bends,
It feels so good that we are friends.
By Karl Fuchs
Quick Facts!
The horses that were packing pharaoh’s men knew they were doing wrong by packing a bunch of sinners across the path after the children of Israel.
55-1007 – The Power Of Decision
Book Review
Have you read any books that are worth reading and would like to recommend them? Well, this section is for that purpose! Here is what we already have:
Brock and Brodie Thoene
These authors are wonderful! Their books are historically accurate and keep your attention. I highly recommend their books, especially the Zion Chronicles and the Zion Covenant series. Both series are sit-on-the-edge-of-your-seat books.
If you have any other books that you think are wonderful, please share them with us!
Book Review
This is where you will be able to announce what is/will be happening in your church and I will announce your birthdays here as well. Also, if you send in your address, then we will send you a birthday card! Here are this and next month’s birthday:
June through July
BYC Camp! June 26-July 2
Abigail Scott—July 9
Cherith Fraijo—July 22
Happy Birthday to all of you special people!!!!!!
Want your birthday in here? Send it to me and I’ll post it in the next one!
Pen pals
Do you want a pen pal? Here is where you can get one! I will list your name here in the next issue; all you have to do is request it. Be sure to include your age and address, please!
Here are three addresses to start with:
Lydia Dominguez (18)
3346 Mesquite Tr.
Camp Verde, AZ 86322
Heather Roberts (24)
2054 Hardy Lane
Camp Verde, AZ 86322
Kristin Roberts (18)
P.O. Box 383
Cornville, AZ 86325
Ok, here it is the section you’ve been waiting for! History! I know there is someone out there who likes history as much as I do! If you are one of these people then this section is for you!

Floor Collapse by Megan McKemy
My Dad is an evangelist and while visiting a church out of state, after the morning service, we were on the second floor of a building having dinner that the sisters had prepared.
We had filled our plates and some were just sitting down to eat, when we heard a loud crash, and then a rumbling as the floor began to tremble beneath us. At first, as our table shifted, we thought the table legs had folded up and our table had fallen, but I quickly glanced across the room and all the other tables were also moving, chairs were sliding across the floor and I looked to the base of the wall and saw the floor had broken away and was sinking into the room on the first floor. People began falling out of their chairs and were on a downward slide toward the gaping hole, screaming and calling out to the Lord for protection.
As I was on the upper side of the floor, I quickly stood up and caught my balance. Looking across the table, I could see everyone scrambling trying to get to safety before the floor totally fell through.
I looked to my left and saw two young girls clinging to our lopsided table trying to get onto firm ground; Krista was holding on to them to prevent them from falling further toward the hole. I reached over and helped pull them up onto the solid ledge.
After slanting several feet, the floor suddenly ceased giving way, and those who had a good foothold were able to help the others up.
One would think that the added weight from everyone coming over to help should have caused the floor to collapse completely, but the Lord heard our cries for help and we thank God for coming just in time! Everyone was fine—only a couple splinters and bruises.
There were purses wedged in between the boards which the brothers had to work out; it could have just as easily been someone’s foot that was caught, but for the hand of Jehovah! He is an ever present help in time of trouble…the Name of Jesus is a strong tower that we can run into and be safe!
This section is to share the weather at your house!
Camp Verde, Arizona: Hot!!!!!!
Motherly…and GRANDmotherly Reviews
A Note to the mothers:
If you have some advice that you would like the many girls who will be reading this to know, please send it to us and we will print it!
This is where you can share a “tried-and-true” recipe with everyone. Most of us girls (and the moms out there) like to get new recipes to try. (Although, I’m sure that the brothers and dads are a bit nervousJ)
Here is this issue’s recipe:
Wild Blueberry Scones
- 1 cup of wild blueberries
- 2 1/2 cups flour
- 5 tablespoons sugar(more needed to sprinkle on top)
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- dash of salt
- 1 stick of butter (8tbs.)
- 2/3 cup milk
If you have any questions or comments about this newsletter please write to me! I would love to hear from you!
Just email me at IrishFilly4Christ@hotmail.com
If you have any ideas… enter the category in the subject line.
Psalms 45:13: The king’s daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold.
Until Next Time!
Your Friend from The King’s Daughters
Issue 1
Here’s the first issue from Dec. 2009/Jan 2010. Enjoy!
By: Lydia Dominguez Vol. 1 Blog Issue 1
As the New Year rolls in, we need to make sure that our hearts are ready for the coming of the Lord. We must make sure that what we do and say is right. One of the things we need to see is: What books are you reading?
What we read can affect our whole life, so we must all be very cautious.
The King’s Daughters
Today’s compendium subject is:
Brother Branham says:
I want you to notice something else. God did not use books and theological terms to cleanse His servant; He used fire. He never used creeds to clean His servant; He took fire off the altar. And if God ever cleans a man today, it’s got to be the Holy Ghost fire that cleanses a man, not reading a book, and doing this, or some other book by so-and-so.
A certain great minister here in California said, the other day, he had the book of the year. I differed with him. The Book of the year is the Bible, always been. The Book of the year is God’s Book, always.
Listen here; listen close to what I want to tell you. The ever-Presence of the living God is the lifeline of any church or any bunch of people, the ever-Presence of the living God to perform and to do, and to act and to live with the people as He did at the beginning. If the Presence of the living God brought a Pentecost with power, with signs, with wonders, brought a people so full of the glory of God till they shouted and spoke with other languages, and went and martyrs for the faith, let’s earnestly contend for that faith until death shall set us free. Earnestly contend for it. We will not compromise, upon reading books, taking some manmade theology. We’ll not compromise upon some creeds or some prayer books, or something somebody else has said.
My faith is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ Blood with righteousness;
All around my soul gives way,
Then He’s all my hope and stay.
For on Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other grounds is sinking sand.
So just polishing, and joining church, and–and reading a whole lot, and knowing a lot of books, and authors, and so forth, doesn’t mean that you’re converted. Because you have an intellectual mind that makes you have a mental conception that there is a God somewhere, still, you’re not a Christian yet, until, actually, you become personal in contact with Christ that changes your heart and nature. Then you become God’s child. And old things is passed away, and all things become new again.
Now, if you notice, God, then… Is no way man could approach, so it had to be the mercy of God. It was God calling to man. “Adam, where art thou?”
Mix up yourselves together, and have union revivals; get preachers who stays with God’s Word, and not scattered about here. Read the Word. Some of you don’t read the Word once a week. You ought to read chapter after chapter every day.
Mediate; if you’d get your head out of them old magazines and things you’re reading, and out of this old, so many papers, and so called religious literature that oughtn’t to never be on the market… That’s just as bad as reading some of the other magazines, stuff that’s false doctrine, and all kinds of dogma, and basing it upon, on truth. Why, doctrine can’t be based upon some experience. Doctrine is based on God’s Word, not on experience. People can have experiences of everything.
Now, I want those… I want you to pray. Now, I’ve either told God’s truth, or I haven’t told God’s truth. This Bible is… Either It is right, or It is wrong. It’s true. If It’s wrong, I want nothing to do with It. If It’s right, I’m ready to die for it. ‘Cause It’s the only hope I have. This is the only Book that tells you who you are, where you come from, and where you’re going. There’s no other literature in the world can do it. That’s the Book, the Book of books.
How do we get into It? Romans 8:1: “There is therefore now no condemnation to those that are in Christ… that walk not after the things of this world (the flesh,), but after the things of the Spirit (that pay no attention to what the world’s got to say).” Even if you’re sick, and the doctor says you’re going to die, you pay no attention to it, don’t bother you a bit. If they say, “You have to become a Catholic before you’re saved, or a Presbyterian, or have to do this,” you pay no attention to it. Therefore, no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, the things that they see. Everything you see with your eyes is earthly. But it’s the things you see in your spirit through the Word. The Word is God’s looking Glass that reflects what He is and what you are. Hallelujah. Oh, my. It tells you…
This is the only Book in the world that tells you where you come from, who you are, and where you’re going. Show me any page of literature anywhere of all the science or anything else, every good book that’s been written; none of it can tell you that. This is God’s looking Glass that shows what He is and what you are. Then in between there’s a blood line that shows what you can be if you want to make the choice. There you are, “By One Spirit…
So he said, “You go, and ask John, or ask Him if we should look for another. Was my… Has my faith, my confidence and my–my… I saw that Messiahic sign over Him. And–and have I been wrong? Have–have I been mixed up? And now, has something went wrong?” Now, when these disciples came to Jesus with this great prophet’s message, Jesus never said to them, “Now, I’ll tell you what I’ll do, I’ll send you back some literature to give to John, ‘How To Be Happy In Jail.’” No. He–He never said that. He didn’t–He didn’t say, “I’ll–I–I’ll give you a book on patience. And you tell John how to be patient while he’s in jail. It’s a–it’s a good thing. He’s in jail, and I hate to see him in jail, but I’ll tell him how–how to do it, well, just to be happy.” No, He never said that.
Now, that is quite a question. And now, to rightly divide this and give it a–a sane interpretation, the best of my knowledge is this. That we are… All know that as Christian believers that someday we are bound to stand in the Presence of God. We know that. We must stand in His Presence, for we are creatures of His creation. And as Christians, we believe that this Bible is the infallible Word of God. I am… If I cannot accept it, every Word, then I–I cannot have faith. You can–cannot have faith in something that you–that you are in doubt about, because you must–you must have faith in something that you believe in. So if the Word is contradictory, or it was meant for another age, or another people, and the writings in it, some Scriptures are true and others are not true, as people would make us believe, or try to, then to me it’s not even… It’s–it’s the most confusing thing. I–I wouldn’t even have it in my house. Because I do not let literature of the world come into my house. And if this Book is a contradictory of Itself, or It promises something that It will not back up, then I… It–it isn’t the Word of God.
But this hawk has long lost its identification, because it doesn’t no more sail through the air and hunt its meat like it’s supposed to. But it sets on the telephone wires and acts like a scavenger. He–he hunts for dead rabbits that the cars has killed, and him and the vultures get out there and eat together. He hops like a vulture, instead of walking like he should walk. He’s lost his identification.
And I say this with all godly love and respect, the church has long lost her identification as a sister eagle. She sets around. Instead of digging into the Word and find where these things are right, she waits for a bunch of Sunday school literature that’s been made up by a bunch of intellectuals somewhere, some dead rabbit that’s been killed somewhere else, hops like a vulture. God, help us to fly away from that. These promises are true. Not what somebody said about It, but what God said about them. They are true. I’m so glad to be associated with eagles.
Now, but today with all of our modern convenience, and instead of reading the Bible to her children, will turn the television on and let them look at something that’s not even fit for them to look at. Now, that’s right. That’s right. And another thing, we’ll give them these little old comic books, and little old story books off of some drugstore mantle that oughtn’t to even be sold to make–make kindling wood out of, or fire out of. And yet we poke all that kind of stuff down our children’s necks. Why, the American…
I bet you there’s–that nearly every boy in America can tell you who Davy Crockett was. But I imagine there isn’t one third of them can tell you Who Jesus Christ is. That’s right. Oh, the Lone Ranger, or somebody like that, or some movie star, they know all about it because it’s laid before them. And the Bible is the Book that’s put away. And when the minister comes, they dig it out, and dust it off and lay it up like that. It’s never read. What we need today is some good old fashion mothers back to take their children back to prayer. That’s the best remedy I know of to cure juvenile delinquency (That’s right.), is good old honest mothers.
Let me go in your office, sir. And you tell me you’re a Christian. And let me hear your… You turn on your radio when I’m there, and you’re listening to some kind of old boogie-woogie music, and let me see half dressed women, pin-ups on the side of your wall, I don’t care what you say, I know what your spirit’s feeding on. That’s right. It’s exactly right. See, always. I’d rather have an old home with no rug on the floor, and with a little old iron bedstead setting there, and an old dresser somewhere, or whatever, and a little old kitchen table made out of boxes with a sign hanging on it, “God bless our home” than all the fine homes in the world, your pin-ups and nonsense that you have today, and a Bible laying on the table instead of all these old love story magazines and things laying around of dirt, and filth, and lust, and everything else to breed into the children. How can you expect anything else but a bunch of infidels and agnostics to answer out. That’s true, friends. Bring up a child in the way that it should go, teaching him on the Word of God. Abraham Lincoln, until he was a grown man, had two books: One of them was the Bible and the other was the Foxe “Book of the Martyrs.” Abraham Lincoln… And he studied that so hard, he read; he–he concentrated on that. That’s what developed that kind of a character that Abraham Lincoln was. Show me what you read. Show me what you listen to. Let me hear your songs you like best; I’ll tell you what’s in your soul feeding on it. “By their fruits you shall know them.” That’s right.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Bible says:
Revelation 1:3
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
Romans 10:17
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Psalm 119:105
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Quick Facts!
Brother Branham and Sister Hope were married by an Amish minister in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
53-1112 – Demonology
52-0720A – Life Story
Book Review
Have you read any books that are worth reading and would like to recommend them? Well, this section is for that purpose! Here is what we already have:
The Sound of Sleighbells – A very good book by Cindy Woodsmall about an Amish girl who was once in love. The young man she loved died and she vowed to never get married. Then a chain of events brought a young carpenter into the picture. A very good and touching story.
It Happened in Italy – Did you know there was a concentration camp in Italy? Well there was and you can read true stories about the survivors in this wonderful book by Elizabeth Bettina.
Movie Review
It’s hard to find good, clean movies to watch. Especially now when everyone loves to watch filth.
So this is where we will put movie reviews and real ratings according to the Dominguez family rating system. Ratings: G-Good, PG- pretty good, PG-13 not so good, R- not worth watching.
Up – This is a very cute movie that will have you laughing from beginning to ending. It’s about a boy, an old man, a dog and a bird. Rated G
Gifted Hands – This movie is based on the true story of Neurologist Ben Carson. A very moving story of how he came from a poor family to become a gifted doctor of the brain. Rated G (Not recommended for younger children)
Widow’s Might – This is a very funny video put together by a homeschool family. It’s a bit hard to follow at first, but you get used to it. Rated G
This is where you will be able to announce what is/will be happening in your church and we will announce your birthdays here as well. Also, if you send in your address, then we will send you a birthday card! Here are this and next month’s birthday:
December and January
Emma Horst – December 21
Caitlyn McKemy -December 8
Natalie Omylyon – January 3
Sister Karen Fraijo – January 16
Sister Debbie Scott – January 21
Rebecca Scott Craig – January 25
Krista McKemy – January 26
Happy Birthday to all of you special people!!!!!!
Heather’s Place
Just for the fun of it I decided to look up the word mother in the dictionary. I was very disappointed! It only described the ‘of course’ part of who she is – a female parent. However to me, Mother means so very much more. So today I am going to give my own definition.
Mother – The sweetest of earthly names for she is the one who cares, loves, blesses and sacrifices her life for her children.
Now I want to share a little about about my own mother who has certianly proved this definition to be true. My mother’s name is Suzanne and I have been blessed to have her care for over 23 years. Ever since I can remember she has taught me about Jesus and His word. One way she did this was to help me memorize scriptures to overcome my fear of the dark. And it never failed. She also pressed upon us children to always tell the truth and told us why, because God’s word said so. I have never forgotten that and seek to always be truthful. More then words she says however, is the life she lives. Through the hard times and the easy she has faithfully showed Jesus. Even when my dad left because he did not agree with her stand for the Lord, she remained steadfast. She has also chosen to remain faithful to her vow to my dad and never marry again. She doesn’t speak against him to us or try to influence us in anyway wrongly. She desires that we still honor him and pray earnestly for him, which she does herself. That is an incredible thing to me.
Though my mom has had to work quite a bit and not had time to teach me some things, she has always made a way for me learn elsewhere if possible. She has never been jealous for a moment over my friendships with other older ladies but says that she thanks God for putting them in my life to help fill in the gaps.
One of the things that means the most to me is that my mom is not just a mom but a very dear friend. I know that I can always go to her for help with any problem. I can call her in the middle of the night when I’m gone if I need to talk. I know my secrets are safe and I am prayed for daily. She tells me often how much she appreciates me and loves having me home with her. But she also says that she will be so excited and happy for me when my ‘prince’ comes along.
How can I ever thank God for blessing me with such a Mother as mine! One who teaches both by word and deed. One who works hard day and night to keep her girls happy and healthy.
Mom, I pray God’s richest blessings upon you. Thank you for your unfailing love and godly example. Thank you for being my mom!
Happy Mother’s Day!!!
With all my love, Heather
~Who can find a virtuous women? for her price is far above rubies.
She … worketh willingly with her hands.
Strength and honor are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
She looketh well the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
Her children arise up, and call her blessed; …
… A woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.
Proverbs 31:10,13b,25,26,27,28a,20b
Ok, here it is the section you’ve been waiting for! History! I know there is someone out there who likes history as much as I do! If you are one of these people then this section is for you!
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was born in the mountains of Kentucky on February 12th, 1809, in a little one-room log cabin in Hardin County. His birth date was one-hundred years before Brother Branham’s, and he was born approximately one-hundred miles from where Brother Branham was born. Both were born in Kentucky, and both moved to Indiana at an early age.
Abraham Lincoln
In Brother Branham’s opinion, Abraham Lincoln was “one of the greatest men that Kentucky ever produced,” and he was his favorite among all the presidents. It was because of his godly character and stand for what was right that earned his respect from Brother Branham and from millions of people throughout the past centuries and still today. It is believed that some of the only books Abraham Lincoln had until he was a grown man were the Bible, and Pilgrim’s Progress. He once made this statement about the Bible:
“In regard to this Great Book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to man. All the good the Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book.” Abraham Lincoln Source: September 7, 1864 – Reply to Loyal Colored People of Baltimore upon Presentation of a Bible
It was his saintly mother and these books that helped to mold his character into what he became. Though his parents belonged to a small Baptist Church, Lincoln never would become part of any organization throughout his life, yet he remained a staunch believer in God and maintained his moral commitment to the Holy Word.
Brother Branham admired the fact that Lincoln had to come the hard way, from a poor uneducated family, splitting rails and writing in the dirt, to get to where he was.
Now, I–I think the greatest President, though, that we ever had, was Abraham Lincoln. Not because he was a Kentuckian, too, but it was because that the man come up from nothing. And all the books that man ever owned, from the time he was a young boy, until he was of age, almost, was the Bible and–and Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. See, that molded into him (what?) that ‘honest Abe.’ He… What you read, what you do, molds your character. It–it tells what you are. And now, you see, he read where ‘if you did wrong, you paid for it; if you did right, God would honor it,’ and that molded him what he was. And his mother, a–a godly woman, too. He said, ‘If there is any credit given anybody, it was a godly mother,’ that raised him right. Now that made, I think, I would say at least one, if not the greatest, President that we had. He come up from nothing, and God made him President because he was an honest man and a good man.
64-0215 – Influences
Abraham Lincoln had very little schooling during his childhood, but at an early age he took a great interest in reading. Once he became of age, he made a constant effort to attain knowledge while working on a farm. He was self-taught in nearly all that he knew.
During a flat boat trip to New Orleans, Lincoln witnessed a disturbing scene of the cruel and inhumane way slaves were treated.
I was reading where Abraham Lincoln got off the boat down in New Orleans and during the day of slavery, and seen them taking a great big, burly colored man and his little wife, and his two kiddies, screaming, and crying, and praying. And they was auctioning him off there to breed him amongst bigger women, to bring forth a bigger bunch, healthier, fatter slaves. And that little mother standing there, and old Abraham Lincoln took his hat off of his head, hit his fist, and said, ‘That’s wrong. That man’s a human, just the same as I’m a human. And someday I will hit that with all I’ve got, if it costs my life.’ And he did.
52-0713A – Early Spiritual Experiences
Abe Lincoln built up a strong desire to end the wrong of slavery. He made the comment once: “In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free – honorable alike in what we give, and what we preserve. We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth. Other means may succeed; this could not fail. The way is plain, peaceful, generous, just – a way which, if followed, the world will forever applaud, and God must forever bless.” Abraham Lincoln
By the age of twenty-four he was studying law and had already been serving as a public advocate. It wasn’t long before his ceaseless ambition and honesty built him a reputation that was recognized abroad. “Honest Abe” served a faithful and successful career as a lawyer, and eventually became more active in the political field. He was married in 1842, to a lady by the name of Mary Todd, and had four children; all of which died, but one, while still in their youth. He served one term (1847-1849) as a member of the US House of Representatives. Still his compassion for a law abiding government and the abolition of slavery drove him to press his way to the top. In the presidential election of 1860, Lincoln was elected as the 16th president of the United States of America for the Republican Party.
Emancipation Proclamation
It wasn’t long after Lincoln became the Commander in Chief for the US that the Union began to dissipate, and the topic of ending slavery became heated. Hardly a month after President Lincoln delivered his First Inaugural Address in March 1861, the Civil War started when the Confederates opened fire on Fort Sumter in South Carolina. This was the start of a four year battle that would end in the reconstruction of the Union, and the abolition of slavery.
President Abraham Lincoln fought the battle against slavery with valor and with the moral obligation that all men were created equal, and that he would not want done to others as he would not wish to be done to himself. His stand against slavery finally cost him his life in 1865, when he was assassinated.
Abraham Lincoln, when he was dying, he had an alternative. And when he… But when he was shot there in this great cathedral, and he was dying in his bed, he said, ‘Turn my face towards the setting of the sun.’ The sun was going down at evening. Lincoln was breathing, and the blood gurgling in his lungs. He’d always trusted God. He said, ‘Hold up my hands.’ And he held his hand. He said, ‘Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name,’ as he bowed his head and gave up the spirit.
53-0405S – Go Tell My Disciples
As an ending statement from our wise leader: “I leave you, hoping that the lamp of liberty will burn in your bosoms until there shall no longer be a doubt that all men are created free and equal.” The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume II, “Speech at Chicago, Illinois” (July 10, 1858), p. 502.
This section is to share the weather at your house!
Arizona: Windy and cloudy a lot of the time. Chilly all day long.
Motherly…and Grandmotherly Advice
A Note to the mothers:
If you have some advice that you would like the many girls who will be reading this to know, please send it to us and we will print it!
This is where you can share a “tried-and-true” recipe with everyone. Most of us girls (and the moms out there) like to get new recipes to try. (Although, I’m sure that the brothers and dads are a bit nervousJ)
Here is this issue’s recipe:
If you have any questions or comments about this newsletter please write to us! We would love to hear from you!
Your Friend from
The King’s Daughters
By: Lydia Dominguez Vol. 1 Blog Issue 1
Issue Concerning Books
Introduction by Lydia DominguezAs the New Year rolls in, we need to make sure that our hearts are ready for the coming of the Lord. We must make sure that what we do and say is right. One of the things we need to see is: What books are you reading?
What we read can affect our whole life, so we must all be very cautious.
The King’s Daughters
Today’s compendium subject is:
Brother Branham says:
I want you to notice something else. God did not use books and theological terms to cleanse His servant; He used fire. He never used creeds to clean His servant; He took fire off the altar. And if God ever cleans a man today, it’s got to be the Holy Ghost fire that cleanses a man, not reading a book, and doing this, or some other book by so-and-so.
A certain great minister here in California said, the other day, he had the book of the year. I differed with him. The Book of the year is the Bible, always been. The Book of the year is God’s Book, always.
Listen here; listen close to what I want to tell you. The ever-Presence of the living God is the lifeline of any church or any bunch of people, the ever-Presence of the living God to perform and to do, and to act and to live with the people as He did at the beginning. If the Presence of the living God brought a Pentecost with power, with signs, with wonders, brought a people so full of the glory of God till they shouted and spoke with other languages, and went and martyrs for the faith, let’s earnestly contend for that faith until death shall set us free. Earnestly contend for it. We will not compromise, upon reading books, taking some manmade theology. We’ll not compromise upon some creeds or some prayer books, or something somebody else has said.
My faith is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ Blood with righteousness;
All around my soul gives way,
Then He’s all my hope and stay.
For on Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other grounds is sinking sand.
So just polishing, and joining church, and–and reading a whole lot, and knowing a lot of books, and authors, and so forth, doesn’t mean that you’re converted. Because you have an intellectual mind that makes you have a mental conception that there is a God somewhere, still, you’re not a Christian yet, until, actually, you become personal in contact with Christ that changes your heart and nature. Then you become God’s child. And old things is passed away, and all things become new again.
Now, if you notice, God, then… Is no way man could approach, so it had to be the mercy of God. It was God calling to man. “Adam, where art thou?”
Mix up yourselves together, and have union revivals; get preachers who stays with God’s Word, and not scattered about here. Read the Word. Some of you don’t read the Word once a week. You ought to read chapter after chapter every day.
Mediate; if you’d get your head out of them old magazines and things you’re reading, and out of this old, so many papers, and so called religious literature that oughtn’t to never be on the market… That’s just as bad as reading some of the other magazines, stuff that’s false doctrine, and all kinds of dogma, and basing it upon, on truth. Why, doctrine can’t be based upon some experience. Doctrine is based on God’s Word, not on experience. People can have experiences of everything.
Now, I want those… I want you to pray. Now, I’ve either told God’s truth, or I haven’t told God’s truth. This Bible is… Either It is right, or It is wrong. It’s true. If It’s wrong, I want nothing to do with It. If It’s right, I’m ready to die for it. ‘Cause It’s the only hope I have. This is the only Book that tells you who you are, where you come from, and where you’re going. There’s no other literature in the world can do it. That’s the Book, the Book of books.
How do we get into It? Romans 8:1: “There is therefore now no condemnation to those that are in Christ… that walk not after the things of this world (the flesh,), but after the things of the Spirit (that pay no attention to what the world’s got to say).” Even if you’re sick, and the doctor says you’re going to die, you pay no attention to it, don’t bother you a bit. If they say, “You have to become a Catholic before you’re saved, or a Presbyterian, or have to do this,” you pay no attention to it. Therefore, no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, the things that they see. Everything you see with your eyes is earthly. But it’s the things you see in your spirit through the Word. The Word is God’s looking Glass that reflects what He is and what you are. Hallelujah. Oh, my. It tells you…
This is the only Book in the world that tells you where you come from, who you are, and where you’re going. Show me any page of literature anywhere of all the science or anything else, every good book that’s been written; none of it can tell you that. This is God’s looking Glass that shows what He is and what you are. Then in between there’s a blood line that shows what you can be if you want to make the choice. There you are, “By One Spirit…
So he said, “You go, and ask John, or ask Him if we should look for another. Was my… Has my faith, my confidence and my–my… I saw that Messiahic sign over Him. And–and have I been wrong? Have–have I been mixed up? And now, has something went wrong?” Now, when these disciples came to Jesus with this great prophet’s message, Jesus never said to them, “Now, I’ll tell you what I’ll do, I’ll send you back some literature to give to John, ‘How To Be Happy In Jail.’” No. He–He never said that. He didn’t–He didn’t say, “I’ll–I–I’ll give you a book on patience. And you tell John how to be patient while he’s in jail. It’s a–it’s a good thing. He’s in jail, and I hate to see him in jail, but I’ll tell him how–how to do it, well, just to be happy.” No, He never said that.
Now, that is quite a question. And now, to rightly divide this and give it a–a sane interpretation, the best of my knowledge is this. That we are… All know that as Christian believers that someday we are bound to stand in the Presence of God. We know that. We must stand in His Presence, for we are creatures of His creation. And as Christians, we believe that this Bible is the infallible Word of God. I am… If I cannot accept it, every Word, then I–I cannot have faith. You can–cannot have faith in something that you–that you are in doubt about, because you must–you must have faith in something that you believe in. So if the Word is contradictory, or it was meant for another age, or another people, and the writings in it, some Scriptures are true and others are not true, as people would make us believe, or try to, then to me it’s not even… It’s–it’s the most confusing thing. I–I wouldn’t even have it in my house. Because I do not let literature of the world come into my house. And if this Book is a contradictory of Itself, or It promises something that It will not back up, then I… It–it isn’t the Word of God.
But this hawk has long lost its identification, because it doesn’t no more sail through the air and hunt its meat like it’s supposed to. But it sets on the telephone wires and acts like a scavenger. He–he hunts for dead rabbits that the cars has killed, and him and the vultures get out there and eat together. He hops like a vulture, instead of walking like he should walk. He’s lost his identification.
And I say this with all godly love and respect, the church has long lost her identification as a sister eagle. She sets around. Instead of digging into the Word and find where these things are right, she waits for a bunch of Sunday school literature that’s been made up by a bunch of intellectuals somewhere, some dead rabbit that’s been killed somewhere else, hops like a vulture. God, help us to fly away from that. These promises are true. Not what somebody said about It, but what God said about them. They are true. I’m so glad to be associated with eagles.
Now, but today with all of our modern convenience, and instead of reading the Bible to her children, will turn the television on and let them look at something that’s not even fit for them to look at. Now, that’s right. That’s right. And another thing, we’ll give them these little old comic books, and little old story books off of some drugstore mantle that oughtn’t to even be sold to make–make kindling wood out of, or fire out of. And yet we poke all that kind of stuff down our children’s necks. Why, the American…
I bet you there’s–that nearly every boy in America can tell you who Davy Crockett was. But I imagine there isn’t one third of them can tell you Who Jesus Christ is. That’s right. Oh, the Lone Ranger, or somebody like that, or some movie star, they know all about it because it’s laid before them. And the Bible is the Book that’s put away. And when the minister comes, they dig it out, and dust it off and lay it up like that. It’s never read. What we need today is some good old fashion mothers back to take their children back to prayer. That’s the best remedy I know of to cure juvenile delinquency (That’s right.), is good old honest mothers.
Let me go in your office, sir. And you tell me you’re a Christian. And let me hear your… You turn on your radio when I’m there, and you’re listening to some kind of old boogie-woogie music, and let me see half dressed women, pin-ups on the side of your wall, I don’t care what you say, I know what your spirit’s feeding on. That’s right. It’s exactly right. See, always. I’d rather have an old home with no rug on the floor, and with a little old iron bedstead setting there, and an old dresser somewhere, or whatever, and a little old kitchen table made out of boxes with a sign hanging on it, “God bless our home” than all the fine homes in the world, your pin-ups and nonsense that you have today, and a Bible laying on the table instead of all these old love story magazines and things laying around of dirt, and filth, and lust, and everything else to breed into the children. How can you expect anything else but a bunch of infidels and agnostics to answer out. That’s true, friends. Bring up a child in the way that it should go, teaching him on the Word of God. Abraham Lincoln, until he was a grown man, had two books: One of them was the Bible and the other was the Foxe “Book of the Martyrs.” Abraham Lincoln… And he studied that so hard, he read; he–he concentrated on that. That’s what developed that kind of a character that Abraham Lincoln was. Show me what you read. Show me what you listen to. Let me hear your songs you like best; I’ll tell you what’s in your soul feeding on it. “By their fruits you shall know them.” That’s right.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Bible says:
Revelation 1:3
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
Romans 10:17
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Psalm 119:105
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Quick Facts!
Brother Branham and Sister Hope were married by an Amish minister in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
53-1112 – Demonology
52-0720A – Life Story
Book Review
Have you read any books that are worth reading and would like to recommend them? Well, this section is for that purpose! Here is what we already have:
The Sound of Sleighbells – A very good book by Cindy Woodsmall about an Amish girl who was once in love. The young man she loved died and she vowed to never get married. Then a chain of events brought a young carpenter into the picture. A very good and touching story.
It Happened in Italy – Did you know there was a concentration camp in Italy? Well there was and you can read true stories about the survivors in this wonderful book by Elizabeth Bettina.
Movie Review
It’s hard to find good, clean movies to watch. Especially now when everyone loves to watch filth.
So this is where we will put movie reviews and real ratings according to the Dominguez family rating system. Ratings: G-Good, PG- pretty good, PG-13 not so good, R- not worth watching.
Up – This is a very cute movie that will have you laughing from beginning to ending. It’s about a boy, an old man, a dog and a bird. Rated G
Gifted Hands – This movie is based on the true story of Neurologist Ben Carson. A very moving story of how he came from a poor family to become a gifted doctor of the brain. Rated G (Not recommended for younger children)
Widow’s Might – This is a very funny video put together by a homeschool family. It’s a bit hard to follow at first, but you get used to it. Rated G
This is where you will be able to announce what is/will be happening in your church and we will announce your birthdays here as well. Also, if you send in your address, then we will send you a birthday card! Here are this and next month’s birthday:
December and January
Emma Horst – December 21
Caitlyn McKemy -December 8
Natalie Omylyon – January 3
Sister Karen Fraijo – January 16
Sister Debbie Scott – January 21
Rebecca Scott Craig – January 25
Krista McKemy – January 26
Happy Birthday to all of you special people!!!!!!
Heather’s Place
Just for the fun of it I decided to look up the word mother in the dictionary. I was very disappointed! It only described the ‘of course’ part of who she is – a female parent. However to me, Mother means so very much more. So today I am going to give my own definition.
Mother – The sweetest of earthly names for she is the one who cares, loves, blesses and sacrifices her life for her children.
Now I want to share a little about about my own mother who has certianly proved this definition to be true. My mother’s name is Suzanne and I have been blessed to have her care for over 23 years. Ever since I can remember she has taught me about Jesus and His word. One way she did this was to help me memorize scriptures to overcome my fear of the dark. And it never failed. She also pressed upon us children to always tell the truth and told us why, because God’s word said so. I have never forgotten that and seek to always be truthful. More then words she says however, is the life she lives. Through the hard times and the easy she has faithfully showed Jesus. Even when my dad left because he did not agree with her stand for the Lord, she remained steadfast. She has also chosen to remain faithful to her vow to my dad and never marry again. She doesn’t speak against him to us or try to influence us in anyway wrongly. She desires that we still honor him and pray earnestly for him, which she does herself. That is an incredible thing to me.
Though my mom has had to work quite a bit and not had time to teach me some things, she has always made a way for me learn elsewhere if possible. She has never been jealous for a moment over my friendships with other older ladies but says that she thanks God for putting them in my life to help fill in the gaps.
One of the things that means the most to me is that my mom is not just a mom but a very dear friend. I know that I can always go to her for help with any problem. I can call her in the middle of the night when I’m gone if I need to talk. I know my secrets are safe and I am prayed for daily. She tells me often how much she appreciates me and loves having me home with her. But she also says that she will be so excited and happy for me when my ‘prince’ comes along.
How can I ever thank God for blessing me with such a Mother as mine! One who teaches both by word and deed. One who works hard day and night to keep her girls happy and healthy.
Mom, I pray God’s richest blessings upon you. Thank you for your unfailing love and godly example. Thank you for being my mom!
Happy Mother’s Day!!!
With all my love, Heather
~Who can find a virtuous women? for her price is far above rubies.
She … worketh willingly with her hands.
Strength and honor are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
She looketh well the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
Her children arise up, and call her blessed; …
… A woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.
Proverbs 31:10,13b,25,26,27,28a,20b
Ok, here it is the section you’ve been waiting for! History! I know there is someone out there who likes history as much as I do! If you are one of these people then this section is for you!
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was born in the mountains of Kentucky on February 12th, 1809, in a little one-room log cabin in Hardin County. His birth date was one-hundred years before Brother Branham’s, and he was born approximately one-hundred miles from where Brother Branham was born. Both were born in Kentucky, and both moved to Indiana at an early age.
Abraham Lincoln
In Brother Branham’s opinion, Abraham Lincoln was “one of the greatest men that Kentucky ever produced,” and he was his favorite among all the presidents. It was because of his godly character and stand for what was right that earned his respect from Brother Branham and from millions of people throughout the past centuries and still today. It is believed that some of the only books Abraham Lincoln had until he was a grown man were the Bible, and Pilgrim’s Progress. He once made this statement about the Bible:
“In regard to this Great Book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to man. All the good the Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book.” Abraham Lincoln Source: September 7, 1864 – Reply to Loyal Colored People of Baltimore upon Presentation of a Bible
It was his saintly mother and these books that helped to mold his character into what he became. Though his parents belonged to a small Baptist Church, Lincoln never would become part of any organization throughout his life, yet he remained a staunch believer in God and maintained his moral commitment to the Holy Word.
Brother Branham admired the fact that Lincoln had to come the hard way, from a poor uneducated family, splitting rails and writing in the dirt, to get to where he was.
Now, I–I think the greatest President, though, that we ever had, was Abraham Lincoln. Not because he was a Kentuckian, too, but it was because that the man come up from nothing. And all the books that man ever owned, from the time he was a young boy, until he was of age, almost, was the Bible and–and Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. See, that molded into him (what?) that ‘honest Abe.’ He… What you read, what you do, molds your character. It–it tells what you are. And now, you see, he read where ‘if you did wrong, you paid for it; if you did right, God would honor it,’ and that molded him what he was. And his mother, a–a godly woman, too. He said, ‘If there is any credit given anybody, it was a godly mother,’ that raised him right. Now that made, I think, I would say at least one, if not the greatest, President that we had. He come up from nothing, and God made him President because he was an honest man and a good man.
64-0215 – Influences
Abraham Lincoln had very little schooling during his childhood, but at an early age he took a great interest in reading. Once he became of age, he made a constant effort to attain knowledge while working on a farm. He was self-taught in nearly all that he knew.
During a flat boat trip to New Orleans, Lincoln witnessed a disturbing scene of the cruel and inhumane way slaves were treated.
I was reading where Abraham Lincoln got off the boat down in New Orleans and during the day of slavery, and seen them taking a great big, burly colored man and his little wife, and his two kiddies, screaming, and crying, and praying. And they was auctioning him off there to breed him amongst bigger women, to bring forth a bigger bunch, healthier, fatter slaves. And that little mother standing there, and old Abraham Lincoln took his hat off of his head, hit his fist, and said, ‘That’s wrong. That man’s a human, just the same as I’m a human. And someday I will hit that with all I’ve got, if it costs my life.’ And he did.
52-0713A – Early Spiritual Experiences
Abe Lincoln built up a strong desire to end the wrong of slavery. He made the comment once: “In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free – honorable alike in what we give, and what we preserve. We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth. Other means may succeed; this could not fail. The way is plain, peaceful, generous, just – a way which, if followed, the world will forever applaud, and God must forever bless.” Abraham Lincoln
By the age of twenty-four he was studying law and had already been serving as a public advocate. It wasn’t long before his ceaseless ambition and honesty built him a reputation that was recognized abroad. “Honest Abe” served a faithful and successful career as a lawyer, and eventually became more active in the political field. He was married in 1842, to a lady by the name of Mary Todd, and had four children; all of which died, but one, while still in their youth. He served one term (1847-1849) as a member of the US House of Representatives. Still his compassion for a law abiding government and the abolition of slavery drove him to press his way to the top. In the presidential election of 1860, Lincoln was elected as the 16th president of the United States of America for the Republican Party.
Emancipation Proclamation
It wasn’t long after Lincoln became the Commander in Chief for the US that the Union began to dissipate, and the topic of ending slavery became heated. Hardly a month after President Lincoln delivered his First Inaugural Address in March 1861, the Civil War started when the Confederates opened fire on Fort Sumter in South Carolina. This was the start of a four year battle that would end in the reconstruction of the Union, and the abolition of slavery.
President Abraham Lincoln fought the battle against slavery with valor and with the moral obligation that all men were created equal, and that he would not want done to others as he would not wish to be done to himself. His stand against slavery finally cost him his life in 1865, when he was assassinated.
Abraham Lincoln, when he was dying, he had an alternative. And when he… But when he was shot there in this great cathedral, and he was dying in his bed, he said, ‘Turn my face towards the setting of the sun.’ The sun was going down at evening. Lincoln was breathing, and the blood gurgling in his lungs. He’d always trusted God. He said, ‘Hold up my hands.’ And he held his hand. He said, ‘Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name,’ as he bowed his head and gave up the spirit.
53-0405S – Go Tell My Disciples
As an ending statement from our wise leader: “I leave you, hoping that the lamp of liberty will burn in your bosoms until there shall no longer be a doubt that all men are created free and equal.” The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume II, “Speech at Chicago, Illinois” (July 10, 1858), p. 502.
This section is to share the weather at your house!
Arizona: Windy and cloudy a lot of the time. Chilly all day long.
Motherly…and Grandmotherly Advice
A Note to the mothers:
If you have some advice that you would like the many girls who will be reading this to know, please send it to us and we will print it!
This is where you can share a “tried-and-true” recipe with everyone. Most of us girls (and the moms out there) like to get new recipes to try. (Although, I’m sure that the brothers and dads are a bit nervousJ)
Here is this issue’s recipe:
Irish Pie
- 3 cups cubed cooked chicken
- 2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese
- 1 teaspoon garlic salt
- 2 cups seasoned stuffing croutons
- 1 pound bulk pork sausage, cooked and drained
- 2 cups peeled cooked diced potatoes
- 2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
- 3 eggs
- 1 1/2 cups milk
- In a greased 3-qt. baking dish, layer the first seven ingredients in the order given. Beat the eggs and milk; pour over the cheese.
- Cover and bake at 325 degrees F for 55 minutes. Uncover; bake 10 minutes longer. Let stand for 10 minutes before serving.
If you have any questions or comments about this newsletter please write to us! We would love to hear from you!
Psalms 45:13
Until Next Time!Your Friend from
The King’s Daughters
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