In this day and age we live in, it's getting harder to dress modestly if you try to shop at the normal stores. But it IS possible. I have found several sites that are good for modest (and I mean true modest) clothing.
Modesty is not just wearing a dress. Modesty is how you wear that dress and what kind of dress it is as well as the message you give in that dress.
Here is a list of sites that I have found....
Lydia's Lavender Boutique Dresses (now available) and skirts (soon to be available) as well as doll dresses from me! A great site index for modest clothing sites!
Marie Madeline Studio
These are just a few sites but I hope it helps.

Friday, December 28, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Encouraging Words
In this day and age, it is hard to really experience a real outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This year, however, the LORD has truly blessed the young people of BYC (Believer's Youth Camp, Dayton, Ohio).
The meetings were from June 23rd to the 30th and our speakers were... Brother Paul LaFontaine, Brother Craig Booher, Brother Ron Spencer and Brother Darrel Ward. What amazing services that were blessed from the very start!!! But the one that I really was blessed at was on Thursday when Brother Darrel Ward and he preached a sermon titled, "The Prisoner to Be Released". He preached a dramatization of Barabbas I will share some of the things he said that stood out...
"I was born on the earth and chosen to sail through the skies."
"I'm not trying to fit in, I'm trying to fit out."
"Young people spell love T-I-M-E."
He told us the story of Barabbas in such a way that WE became the convict and were transported through time and space to that man's place. God died to free us from sin and shame and we are free! We should have paid for all that we did against God but, instead, He sent His only Son and that Son died to make us free so we could live like Him. Oh glory!
The next time he preached..."Stop the Thief"
We young people in this Message need to stick together. Not be fighting one another over petty things and thinking one is better than the other. We are all one!
We are One in The Spirit,
We are One in The Lord.
We are One in The Spirit,
We are One in The Lord.
And we pray that all unity may one day be restored.
And they'll know we are Christians by our love,
By our Love,
Yes they'll know we are Christians by our love.
If we are busy fighting with each other, gossiping or thinking badly about one another then we won't recognize the devil when he comes upon us. There is strength in numbers. Amen!
We need to stop the thief who is coming to try and take our Inheritance from God. We are heirs... (one who receives his allotted portion according to one's sonship) and we need to stand up and claim It! Shamgar got tired of the thief coming and taking away what was rightfully his according to God and he finally stood and slew six hundred Philistines. He did not have a sword...he WAS the sword. (Shamgar means "sword".) If Shamgar can slay six hundred of the enemy with God's help, how much more can we, with God's help and being His daughters, take down the enemy that comes upon us!
So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.
Isaiah 59:19 (KJV)
We may be girls but we still are very powerful against Satan and his evil minions! Keep standing on the Word and don't let Satan steal your joy. Press on, my Sisters! The hour is too late to be playing around with sin!!! I love you all...
The meetings were from June 23rd to the 30th and our speakers were... Brother Paul LaFontaine, Brother Craig Booher, Brother Ron Spencer and Brother Darrel Ward. What amazing services that were blessed from the very start!!! But the one that I really was blessed at was on Thursday when Brother Darrel Ward and he preached a sermon titled, "The Prisoner to Be Released". He preached a dramatization of Barabbas I will share some of the things he said that stood out...
"I was born on the earth and chosen to sail through the skies."
"I'm not trying to fit in, I'm trying to fit out."
"Young people spell love T-I-M-E."
He told us the story of Barabbas in such a way that WE became the convict and were transported through time and space to that man's place. God died to free us from sin and shame and we are free! We should have paid for all that we did against God but, instead, He sent His only Son and that Son died to make us free so we could live like Him. Oh glory!
The next time he preached..."Stop the Thief"
We young people in this Message need to stick together. Not be fighting one another over petty things and thinking one is better than the other. We are all one!
We are One in The Spirit,
We are One in The Lord.
We are One in The Spirit,
We are One in The Lord.
And we pray that all unity may one day be restored.
And they'll know we are Christians by our love,
By our Love,
Yes they'll know we are Christians by our love.
If we are busy fighting with each other, gossiping or thinking badly about one another then we won't recognize the devil when he comes upon us. There is strength in numbers. Amen!
We need to stop the thief who is coming to try and take our Inheritance from God. We are heirs... (one who receives his allotted portion according to one's sonship) and we need to stand up and claim It! Shamgar got tired of the thief coming and taking away what was rightfully his according to God and he finally stood and slew six hundred Philistines. He did not have a sword...he WAS the sword. (Shamgar means "sword".) If Shamgar can slay six hundred of the enemy with God's help, how much more can we, with God's help and being His daughters, take down the enemy that comes upon us!
So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.
Isaiah 59:19 (KJV)
We may be girls but we still are very powerful against Satan and his evil minions! Keep standing on the Word and don't let Satan steal your joy. Press on, my Sisters! The hour is too late to be playing around with sin!!! I love you all...
Note to My Sisters
Hello again!
I just want to tell you that if I ever post something that offends, know that nothing on here is directed at any particular person. What I post are things that have been bothering me whether as a personal battle or seeing someone else struggle with it. I feel that it is too late of an hour to just sit by and talk of little things like hospitality and things that really aren't that much of a battle. I want to share the things that are on my heart and I pray that you all will understand.
I love you all and I am praying for you always.
Your Sister at....
I just want to tell you that if I ever post something that offends, know that nothing on here is directed at any particular person. What I post are things that have been bothering me whether as a personal battle or seeing someone else struggle with it. I feel that it is too late of an hour to just sit by and talk of little things like hospitality and things that really aren't that much of a battle. I want to share the things that are on my heart and I pray that you all will understand.
I love you all and I am praying for you always.
Your Sister at....
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Bride and Her Cousins Story by Brother Branham
60-1231 REVELATION.CHAPTER.FOUR.1_Jeffersonville, IN ROJC 551-584 SATURDAY_
65 Reminds me of a little story, I just must say it 'fore we go on. Out West here, some time ago, many years, there was this great Armour and Swift Packing Company. How they do, they come out there and buy cattle and buy ranches. And they're worth a lot of money, and buy up all the small ranches, and have millions of acres of ranch like that, run these big, fine Hereford cattle in sections. Their own... They own their own railroads and things that brings them cattle from one pasture to another.
And Armour and Swift had a big ranch, and one day they had a foreman there, the superintendent, it was, of the ranch, he had about four or five daughters. And they found out that one of the big Armour brothers was... or, not brothers, but sons, were going to visit the ranch. And he was a--a young, single man. And all these girls was sure they was going to vamp this boy as soon as he--he come. And so they all was getting ready and making everything ready to come.
67 When he got there, they was going to meet him and put on an old frontier day, with their little dresses on, with their fringe on it, and .44's on each hip, and them hats on the back of their head, you know. And they was going to be regular westerners, and each one of the girls was going to get... One of them was going to get this boy.
And they had a--a little cousin there that her mother was dead and her father was dead. She was a cousin, and she almost was the slave to all that was there. And all the dirty work, she had to do it, washing the dishes and everything. And she had no clothes, she had to take hand-me-downs and...
69 So when the time come that the boy was to arrive, they all got in their buckboards and, away, down to the station they went to receive him. And they was shooting the guns, and the horses nickering, and everything. And they brought him out to the ranch. And that night they had a big shindig. And they got out there on the haystacks and the corral fence, and they--they sang and they danced, and all through the night. He was there for two or three days.
71 This little cousin... Now, I'm going to liken this to something now. Our cousins that's all dressed up, big spires and fine churches, and looks like if there's any dirty name it has to be give to the pentecostals, something that's wrong. They do the wrong thing too, but there's nothing heard about, you see. They're kind of classical, so they... you don't hear about that. But let some Pentecostal minister make a mistake one time, and, brother, I'm telling you, they'll pack her across the country in every newspaper. Yes, sir. Let some pentecostal brother pray for a child, and it dies, every newspaper in the country will pack it, "Divine Healing Is Fanaticism."
Well, then why not put every case in the paper that the doctor loses? "Sauce for the goose, it's sauce for the gander." See? So, if they would do that, they wouldn't have enough room in the columns in the papers to write all the dead. If I'd go out here in the graveyard and say, "Everybody that ever died under Divine healing stand up," and then say, "Everybody ever died under medical treatment stand up," would outnumber them a million to one. And that's exactly right. So if they're going to criticize one, criticize the other. So that's right. But they kill millions a year with medicines and operations, and you never hear a word about it. You see?
73 So, this little girl, she had all the rough work to do. So when, all at once, the boy... one night when supper was over and they had had dances, and each one of these girls had prettied all up, you know. And this poor little girl had to have a little, old, ragged dress on. And one night she was sitting in the mess hall after the supper was over, and she had washed the dishes and she run out through the back yard to throw the dishwater out. She... when she turned around the corral fence, there he stood, leaning at the corral fence. He said, "Hello."
She was so ashamed, because that was the superintendent's boy, the son of the owner of the ranch. She held the dishpan down, so he wouldn't notice her so ragged; started backing off, with her bare feet, looking back, like this.
And he walked up to her, said, "Don't be afraid of me." Said, "I want to tell you something." He said, "I come out here for one purpose, I come out to find a wife." And said, "I've been looking everywhere." Said, "I didn't want to marry any of the girls back there in the city, I want to get what I thought was a real wife." And said, "Of all that I've seen, I've been noticing you around here. And I've found out through some of the hands that you're a cousin."
Said, "That's right, sir."
Said, "I want to ask you something. Will you marry me?" Why, she didn't know what to do. She was so beset, she didn't--she didn't know how to answer the man.
77 Oh, I just about imagine how she felt. Don't you? When me, a sinner once, no good for nothing, a drunkard's child, Jesus Christ said, "I want you for Mine." How could He ever come to somebody like me? How could He ever say, "I'll give you a home in Heaven"? How could He ever say, "I'll save you"? Such a wretch as me, how could it ever be? But He did it!
78 She said, "Sir, I--I'm not--I--I'm not worthy. I couldn't make a wife to a man like you," said, "because you are used to great things. And I know nothing about them, I'm poor."
He said, "But you are my choice."
And wasn't it nice when Jesus told you that... ? You knowed you wasn't worthy to be a Christian. You, there wasn't nothing you could ever do, but He... It's nothing... He--He just chose you. See? He... It's His goodness, His mercy that He chose you. You didn't choose Him, you know, He chose you. That's right.
She said, "I--I don't... " She said...
"Don't look at your clothes. I don't look at your clothes, I look at what you are." He said, "Will you marry me?" And finally the agreement was made. And he said, "One year from this day, I will return. You be ready. Have the wedding garment on, for I will return and marry you right here on these grounds. And I'll take you to Chicago, to Outer Drive, there where you'll have a castle to live in. And all this dishwashing will be over, and things, then."
82 When the sisters, or the cousins, heard about that, they said, "You poor, little, ignorant fool! Why, you know that man didn't mean that!"
And isn't that just exactly what they say today? "How could a bunch of holy-rollers, a bunch of people that hardly can write their own name, how would they ever be the Church? How would a group like that ever be?" But that's just all right. When we got engaged and felt that betrothal kiss of Jesus Christ on our heart to take away our sin, Something tells us that He's coming back again, just as sure as the world. Someday He'll come back.
84 All year she worked, slaving, saving here little seventy-five-cents, what--what they give here for her wages a day. And she was saving up her money to buy her wedding gown, to make everything ready. Oh, that was all of her thoughts, making ready. (And he has... "She has made Herself ready.") She got her clothes, her wedding clothes, while her cousins laughed at her and made fun of her.
Finally it come to the... finally the day. She dressed herself in her wedding garment (Oh!), got all ready and cleaned up. And her little cousins come around and bowed by her and said, "Well, you silly little thing. Why, you know he didn't mean that. He wouldn't speak to a... marry a girl like you." But, she made herself ready, anyhow.
86 So it come along late in the evening, and they begin to mock and make fun of her. She stood right at the door, waiting, anyhow. And so she... Well he said, "What time did he say he'd be here?"
Said, "He didn't say." But said, "She told... he told me the night that he'd marry... or he give me the engagement ring. He said, he told me, 'It would be about one year from now.' Therefore I've got a hour left." Amen, just kept waiting. "I got one hour left, thirty minutes left, ten minutes left." And they laughed and made fun of her, and called her everything.
But, finally, right at that crucial hour, they heard the sand turning under the wheels, the horses coming. What a thing it was to see that little bride that made herself ready, jump out of the door, and run down through the rose-covered trellis out there, to fly into the arms of the man that she loved, and to be her husband, to pick her up in like that, and be married and ride away.
89 Some of these days, brother, those who are making fun and saying "holy-roller," and--and "pentecostal," and things like that... We're waiting, we still got a little time. They say, "Ah, there's no difference what there ever was." Don't worry, we got a little time left. And at that moment that He promised, He'll be here. And some of these days we'll take a flight and go away. Just be ready! Keep the Wedding Garment on! Keep all cruel out of your heart.
65 Reminds me of a little story, I just must say it 'fore we go on. Out West here, some time ago, many years, there was this great Armour and Swift Packing Company. How they do, they come out there and buy cattle and buy ranches. And they're worth a lot of money, and buy up all the small ranches, and have millions of acres of ranch like that, run these big, fine Hereford cattle in sections. Their own... They own their own railroads and things that brings them cattle from one pasture to another.
And Armour and Swift had a big ranch, and one day they had a foreman there, the superintendent, it was, of the ranch, he had about four or five daughters. And they found out that one of the big Armour brothers was... or, not brothers, but sons, were going to visit the ranch. And he was a--a young, single man. And all these girls was sure they was going to vamp this boy as soon as he--he come. And so they all was getting ready and making everything ready to come.
67 When he got there, they was going to meet him and put on an old frontier day, with their little dresses on, with their fringe on it, and .44's on each hip, and them hats on the back of their head, you know. And they was going to be regular westerners, and each one of the girls was going to get... One of them was going to get this boy.
And they had a--a little cousin there that her mother was dead and her father was dead. She was a cousin, and she almost was the slave to all that was there. And all the dirty work, she had to do it, washing the dishes and everything. And she had no clothes, she had to take hand-me-downs and...
69 So when the time come that the boy was to arrive, they all got in their buckboards and, away, down to the station they went to receive him. And they was shooting the guns, and the horses nickering, and everything. And they brought him out to the ranch. And that night they had a big shindig. And they got out there on the haystacks and the corral fence, and they--they sang and they danced, and all through the night. He was there for two or three days.
71 This little cousin... Now, I'm going to liken this to something now. Our cousins that's all dressed up, big spires and fine churches, and looks like if there's any dirty name it has to be give to the pentecostals, something that's wrong. They do the wrong thing too, but there's nothing heard about, you see. They're kind of classical, so they... you don't hear about that. But let some Pentecostal minister make a mistake one time, and, brother, I'm telling you, they'll pack her across the country in every newspaper. Yes, sir. Let some pentecostal brother pray for a child, and it dies, every newspaper in the country will pack it, "Divine Healing Is Fanaticism."
Well, then why not put every case in the paper that the doctor loses? "Sauce for the goose, it's sauce for the gander." See? So, if they would do that, they wouldn't have enough room in the columns in the papers to write all the dead. If I'd go out here in the graveyard and say, "Everybody that ever died under Divine healing stand up," and then say, "Everybody ever died under medical treatment stand up," would outnumber them a million to one. And that's exactly right. So if they're going to criticize one, criticize the other. So that's right. But they kill millions a year with medicines and operations, and you never hear a word about it. You see?
73 So, this little girl, she had all the rough work to do. So when, all at once, the boy... one night when supper was over and they had had dances, and each one of these girls had prettied all up, you know. And this poor little girl had to have a little, old, ragged dress on. And one night she was sitting in the mess hall after the supper was over, and she had washed the dishes and she run out through the back yard to throw the dishwater out. She... when she turned around the corral fence, there he stood, leaning at the corral fence. He said, "Hello."
She was so ashamed, because that was the superintendent's boy, the son of the owner of the ranch. She held the dishpan down, so he wouldn't notice her so ragged; started backing off, with her bare feet, looking back, like this.
And he walked up to her, said, "Don't be afraid of me." Said, "I want to tell you something." He said, "I come out here for one purpose, I come out to find a wife." And said, "I've been looking everywhere." Said, "I didn't want to marry any of the girls back there in the city, I want to get what I thought was a real wife." And said, "Of all that I've seen, I've been noticing you around here. And I've found out through some of the hands that you're a cousin."
Said, "That's right, sir."
Said, "I want to ask you something. Will you marry me?" Why, she didn't know what to do. She was so beset, she didn't--she didn't know how to answer the man.
77 Oh, I just about imagine how she felt. Don't you? When me, a sinner once, no good for nothing, a drunkard's child, Jesus Christ said, "I want you for Mine." How could He ever come to somebody like me? How could He ever say, "I'll give you a home in Heaven"? How could He ever say, "I'll save you"? Such a wretch as me, how could it ever be? But He did it!
78 She said, "Sir, I--I'm not--I--I'm not worthy. I couldn't make a wife to a man like you," said, "because you are used to great things. And I know nothing about them, I'm poor."
He said, "But you are my choice."
And wasn't it nice when Jesus told you that... ? You knowed you wasn't worthy to be a Christian. You, there wasn't nothing you could ever do, but He... It's nothing... He--He just chose you. See? He... It's His goodness, His mercy that He chose you. You didn't choose Him, you know, He chose you. That's right.
She said, "I--I don't... " She said...
"Don't look at your clothes. I don't look at your clothes, I look at what you are." He said, "Will you marry me?" And finally the agreement was made. And he said, "One year from this day, I will return. You be ready. Have the wedding garment on, for I will return and marry you right here on these grounds. And I'll take you to Chicago, to Outer Drive, there where you'll have a castle to live in. And all this dishwashing will be over, and things, then."
82 When the sisters, or the cousins, heard about that, they said, "You poor, little, ignorant fool! Why, you know that man didn't mean that!"
And isn't that just exactly what they say today? "How could a bunch of holy-rollers, a bunch of people that hardly can write their own name, how would they ever be the Church? How would a group like that ever be?" But that's just all right. When we got engaged and felt that betrothal kiss of Jesus Christ on our heart to take away our sin, Something tells us that He's coming back again, just as sure as the world. Someday He'll come back.
84 All year she worked, slaving, saving here little seventy-five-cents, what--what they give here for her wages a day. And she was saving up her money to buy her wedding gown, to make everything ready. Oh, that was all of her thoughts, making ready. (And he has... "She has made Herself ready.") She got her clothes, her wedding clothes, while her cousins laughed at her and made fun of her.
Finally it come to the... finally the day. She dressed herself in her wedding garment (Oh!), got all ready and cleaned up. And her little cousins come around and bowed by her and said, "Well, you silly little thing. Why, you know he didn't mean that. He wouldn't speak to a... marry a girl like you." But, she made herself ready, anyhow.
86 So it come along late in the evening, and they begin to mock and make fun of her. She stood right at the door, waiting, anyhow. And so she... Well he said, "What time did he say he'd be here?"
Said, "He didn't say." But said, "She told... he told me the night that he'd marry... or he give me the engagement ring. He said, he told me, 'It would be about one year from now.' Therefore I've got a hour left." Amen, just kept waiting. "I got one hour left, thirty minutes left, ten minutes left." And they laughed and made fun of her, and called her everything.
But, finally, right at that crucial hour, they heard the sand turning under the wheels, the horses coming. What a thing it was to see that little bride that made herself ready, jump out of the door, and run down through the rose-covered trellis out there, to fly into the arms of the man that she loved, and to be her husband, to pick her up in like that, and be married and ride away.
89 Some of these days, brother, those who are making fun and saying "holy-roller," and--and "pentecostal," and things like that... We're waiting, we still got a little time. They say, "Ah, there's no difference what there ever was." Don't worry, we got a little time left. And at that moment that He promised, He'll be here. And some of these days we'll take a flight and go away. Just be ready! Keep the Wedding Garment on! Keep all cruel out of your heart.
Hello My Sisters!
The next posts I plan to do are testimonies. If you have a testimony you would like to share, please feel free to email it to me! The more the merrier!!! :)
I think it is important to share our testimonies because it can help young people out of depression and fear of telling theirs. Your testimony is important, no matter how insignificant you think it is. Share it anyway...because it's what the Lord has done for you!
God bless you all! I look forward to hearing from you!
The next posts I plan to do are testimonies. If you have a testimony you would like to share, please feel free to email it to me! The more the merrier!!! :)
I think it is important to share our testimonies because it can help young people out of depression and fear of telling theirs. Your testimony is important, no matter how insignificant you think it is. Share it anyway...because it's what the Lord has done for you!
God bless you all! I look forward to hearing from you!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Just Be Salty
One time this little woman had--had received the Holy Ghost. And she was a very sweet little person. They... She said... Well, she'd had a hard life, and her husband was an alcoholic. And so, she just kept on; she bore with him. He says, "You want to go to church, honey, take off. But I just go down to the saloon, down at the old Brown Derby, down here. Go and--on." So they hung out down there all the time, used to be Bonifers. Many of you old-timers here remember when Bonifer had there on the corner of... It's called Brown Derby now, I believe it is.
117 So, hanging around down there, and the first thing you know, one night come up a question about church and about Christians. One of the old drunks setting there said, "There ain't no such a thing as Christians any more." Said, "There is no such a thing. All this bunch of hypocrites," said, "you see them out here smoking, drinking, doing the same thing that we do," and said, "call themselves Christians. There is no such."
This one drunk raised up and said, "Just a minute. There's one that I know about. "
Said, "Who is it?"
Said, "It's my wife." See? She'd become salty. He was catching it all the time.
He said, "I bet if she was put to a squeeze..."
He said, "No, she's still a Christian; I'll prove it to you." Said, "I tell you what let's do; let's go up home, and I'll show you whether she's a Christian or not." Said, "Let's go up home, and now, let's really be drunk. We're going to act like we're really drunk." Knocked at the door, come in staggering over everything and--and... "Why don't you set around this a-way," and everything. And she set them all a chair and (his guests, you know)--and tried to make them just as welcome as could be. Said, "I want you to fix us some supper." And so they--she went out and fixed some. Said, "we want ham and eggs." He knowed they had it, so they fixed the ham and eggs. When he got there at the table, he looked at them like that, picked up his plate, and slammed the stuff on the floor, said, "You know, I don't like my eggs like that. Come on boys let's get out of here anyhow," like that--like that.
119 They went out and set down like that, you know. And she come out; she said, "Dear, I'm--I'm sorry I didn't get them fixed; I'll fix some more for you."
"Oh, nonsense, you knowed I didn't want them that way in the first place," just carrying on like that. They went out there, and set down, and act like they was drunk. They heard her in there kind of snubbing to herself, singing real low voice:
Must Jesus bear the cross alone,
All the world go free?
There's a cross for every one,
And there's a cross for me.
This consecrated cross I'll bear,
Till death shall set me free,
One drunk looked at the other one, said, "She's a Christian; she's got it." And that little woman led her husband, plus these others to Christ that night. See? Why? See? Just be real sweet. Just remember, He knows all about it.
So, sister, or brother, whoever it might be, or brother, it is here, 'cause he asked about his wife, you just be salty; she'll get thirsty if there's anything in her to thirst for. If it isn't, remember, if you got the wrong person, you'll get the right one in the Millennium. You just keep on going; all wrongs will be made right there.
117 So, hanging around down there, and the first thing you know, one night come up a question about church and about Christians. One of the old drunks setting there said, "There ain't no such a thing as Christians any more." Said, "There is no such a thing. All this bunch of hypocrites," said, "you see them out here smoking, drinking, doing the same thing that we do," and said, "call themselves Christians. There is no such."
This one drunk raised up and said, "Just a minute. There's one that I know about. "
Said, "Who is it?"
Said, "It's my wife." See? She'd become salty. He was catching it all the time.
He said, "I bet if she was put to a squeeze..."
He said, "No, she's still a Christian; I'll prove it to you." Said, "I tell you what let's do; let's go up home, and I'll show you whether she's a Christian or not." Said, "Let's go up home, and now, let's really be drunk. We're going to act like we're really drunk." Knocked at the door, come in staggering over everything and--and... "Why don't you set around this a-way," and everything. And she set them all a chair and (his guests, you know)--and tried to make them just as welcome as could be. Said, "I want you to fix us some supper." And so they--she went out and fixed some. Said, "we want ham and eggs." He knowed they had it, so they fixed the ham and eggs. When he got there at the table, he looked at them like that, picked up his plate, and slammed the stuff on the floor, said, "You know, I don't like my eggs like that. Come on boys let's get out of here anyhow," like that--like that.
119 They went out and set down like that, you know. And she come out; she said, "Dear, I'm--I'm sorry I didn't get them fixed; I'll fix some more for you."
"Oh, nonsense, you knowed I didn't want them that way in the first place," just carrying on like that. They went out there, and set down, and act like they was drunk. They heard her in there kind of snubbing to herself, singing real low voice:
Must Jesus bear the cross alone,
All the world go free?
There's a cross for every one,
And there's a cross for me.
This consecrated cross I'll bear,
Till death shall set me free,
One drunk looked at the other one, said, "She's a Christian; she's got it." And that little woman led her husband, plus these others to Christ that night. See? Why? See? Just be real sweet. Just remember, He knows all about it.
So, sister, or brother, whoever it might be, or brother, it is here, 'cause he asked about his wife, you just be salty; she'll get thirsty if there's anything in her to thirst for. If it isn't, remember, if you got the wrong person, you'll get the right one in the Millennium. You just keep on going; all wrongs will be made right there.
A New Creation
It is hard, in this day and age, to live the life of a Christian girl in this Message but it IS possible to do.
This past Saturday, Brother Daniel Mazur (sp?) spoke on "Grace" and "A New Creation" and, last night, Brother Ted Posedly (my pastor) tied the two together. He continued what he had been speaking on the Sunday before Brother Daniel and Brother Robert Fischer (sp?) came; "A New Creation Identity". I just thought I would share what the Brothers said as well as scriptures and quotes on the subject of "A New Creation".
Brother Daniel Mazur...
II Corinthians 5:17-18, 20-21
17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;
20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.
21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
Brother Ted Posedly...
This past Saturday, Brother Daniel Mazur (sp?) spoke on "Grace" and "A New Creation" and, last night, Brother Ted Posedly (my pastor) tied the two together. He continued what he had been speaking on the Sunday before Brother Daniel and Brother Robert Fischer (sp?) came; "A New Creation Identity". I just thought I would share what the Brothers said as well as scriptures and quotes on the subject of "A New Creation".
Brother Daniel Mazur...
II Corinthians 5:17-18, 20-21
17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;
20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.
21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
- If you want to be a new creation, you have to have a union with Christ.
- God put a part of Himself in you. That's why you believe this Message and that's why you're going back to Him; He wouldn't be complete without you.
- Life is like a puzzle, not a Lego block, because you have to follow a pattern instead of doing your own thing. The only thing that will get you out of here is if you put the "puzzle" together right.
Brother Ted Posedly...
- No one knows your true identity except the One who brought you here.
- When you know who you are, the devil is powerless.
Ephesians 2:8-10
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
Romans 8:35-37
35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
- redemption- full and lasting position of everything you lost because of the fall.
- You must remain in Christ in order to have a new creation identity.
- As long as you try to be a new creation, you'll never be one. God has to help you.
- If we would stay with that new creation identity, we would be like Christ all the time.
- That Voice clarifies your confusion about your identity.
- If you're going by feelings, you are not walking in that new identity and the devil has already defeated you.
Hebrews 11:1
1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
2 For by it the elders obtained a good report.
- substance- confidence, trust, insurance
- If you have nervousness (or whatever), that's not you, that's the old identity. YOU are confident.
- There are people who believe this Message 100 percent in their mind but they can't live a word of it because they're living in that old identity.
- Faith is your memory of who you really are.
Hebrews 4:11-13
11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
Brother William Branham...
E-53 Reminds me of one day, me and my brother was going along, and we seen a--an old turtle. And that was the funniest looking thing I ever seen, old terrapin. Don't know whether you have them here or not. He can throw their legs like that, you know, when they're walking. I said to my brother, I said, "Isn't that a funny looking thing?"
He said, "It is."
We went up to him. He went [Brother Branham illustrates.--Ed.] Puts me in the mind of some of these people, when you really go to preaching the Gospel, they pull right back in their shell. "I belong to the Baptist. I belong to the Methodist."
Go on, if your name's not in heaven, you'll go to hell too. That's right. Only those who are written in the Lambs Book of Life, by being redeemed, born again... Jesus said, "Except a man be born again, he will not enter the Kingdom." Truly. Then you're born again, you become a new creature, a new creation in Christ. Oh, hallelujah. In other words... Don't get excited about it. "Hallelujah" means "Praise our God." And I praise Him. Amen.
E-53 Reminds me of one day, me and my brother was going along, and we seen a--an old turtle. And that was the funniest looking thing I ever seen, old terrapin. Don't know whether you have them here or not. He can throw their legs like that, you know, when they're walking. I said to my brother, I said, "Isn't that a funny looking thing?"
He said, "It is."
We went up to him. He went [Brother Branham illustrates.--Ed.] Puts me in the mind of some of these people, when you really go to preaching the Gospel, they pull right back in their shell. "I belong to the Baptist. I belong to the Methodist."
Go on, if your name's not in heaven, you'll go to hell too. That's right. Only those who are written in the Lambs Book of Life, by being redeemed, born again... Jesus said, "Except a man be born again, he will not enter the Kingdom." Truly. Then you're born again, you become a new creature, a new creation in Christ. Oh, hallelujah. In other words... Don't get excited about it. "Hallelujah" means "Praise our God." And I praise Him. Amen.
And you know what a birth is? It's a regeneration, a new creation. A man becomes a new creation in Christ, and by accepting His Word.
E-15 Now, you can be a mentally worked up or emotionally worked up and just imagine your faith, but when your spirit bears record with His Spirit, and your life compares with God's Bible, you've got a pretty good conception it's all as at peace. That's right, but if it don't compare with that, then you better come back again. See? If you don't love Him with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, if sin doesn't just make you tremble at the thoughts of it, you'd better come back (see?) and be sure. No matter...
You might've danced in the Spirit. You might've spoke with tongues. You might've put your name on every church book in this city. You might've been baptized three times forward, backward, sprinkled. That won't have one thing to do with it, not one thing. You've got to be borned again (See?), something that takes place, a regeneration, and you become a new creation. Old things is passed away, and all things become new. You're a new look on everything. The birds sing different. Your enemies that you once couldn't stand, you love them. See? You really love them, and everything's changed. Then you know you've passed from death unto Life.
E-15 Now, you can be a mentally worked up or emotionally worked up and just imagine your faith, but when your spirit bears record with His Spirit, and your life compares with God's Bible, you've got a pretty good conception it's all as at peace. That's right, but if it don't compare with that, then you better come back again. See? If you don't love Him with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, if sin doesn't just make you tremble at the thoughts of it, you'd better come back (see?) and be sure. No matter...
You might've danced in the Spirit. You might've spoke with tongues. You might've put your name on every church book in this city. You might've been baptized three times forward, backward, sprinkled. That won't have one thing to do with it, not one thing. You've got to be borned again (See?), something that takes place, a regeneration, and you become a new creation. Old things is passed away, and all things become new. You're a new look on everything. The birds sing different. Your enemies that you once couldn't stand, you love them. See? You really love them, and everything's changed. Then you know you've passed from death unto Life.
E-13 And now, if you're dealing with sin... Now, maybe you never sinned, but there might be a sin that your father did, your grandfather did. He said He'd visit the iniquity of the parents upon the third and fourth generation. And each generation gets weaker and wiser as the Bible said. But it's all started from sin. Before sin ever came into the world there were no sickness in the world. And sickness came through the fall, and the fall was sin, and sin is unbelief.
"He that believeth not is condemned already." Before you even get started you're condemned. You're born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies. No matter how much you was dedicated on the altar, how many times you were sprinkled, baptized, poured, whatever it is, you're still a sinner, that's all, until you repent and God recognizes and seals that promise with the Holy Spirit. That's right. Then you're borned again. Then you're son and daughter of God. It's a regeneration, a new creation. Then your attributes, your--your thoughts are not like they were, your life is not like it was. You become a complete surrendered vessel to God, and He speaks and uses you, and you're not your own no more. But you're bought with a price. That's the price of the precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Think of it.
E-13 And now, if you're dealing with sin... Now, maybe you never sinned, but there might be a sin that your father did, your grandfather did. He said He'd visit the iniquity of the parents upon the third and fourth generation. And each generation gets weaker and wiser as the Bible said. But it's all started from sin. Before sin ever came into the world there were no sickness in the world. And sickness came through the fall, and the fall was sin, and sin is unbelief.
"He that believeth not is condemned already." Before you even get started you're condemned. You're born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies. No matter how much you was dedicated on the altar, how many times you were sprinkled, baptized, poured, whatever it is, you're still a sinner, that's all, until you repent and God recognizes and seals that promise with the Holy Spirit. That's right. Then you're borned again. Then you're son and daughter of God. It's a regeneration, a new creation. Then your attributes, your--your thoughts are not like they were, your life is not like it was. You become a complete surrendered vessel to God, and He speaks and uses you, and you're not your own no more. But you're bought with a price. That's the price of the precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Think of it.
97 There is so many people today who says that the Holy Spirit is not real today. While tens of thousands of them, and millions, are saying it's not so, there's that many enjoying the blessings of It. Mostly are poor people, people who's been dejected and rejected by the world, people who's been throwed out of churches because that they believed God to be God; but they have been filled with His Spirit. They are one in purpose; they're one in heart. Who are those people? Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterian, Catholic, Jehovah Witness, orthodox Jew, all together, they become one. Not one to a creed, not one to a denomination, that's the working of the devil through intellectual conceptions, but the working of the Holy Spirit, the Kingdom of God in you.
And God sets on the throne of your heart in His control room, controlling your emotions, and controlling your powers, controlling your conceptions, and making you one with Him in fellowship and in love. And God fills you with love. He fills you with power. He fills you with the Spirit. He fills you with His own Divine Nature, and He changes your carnal nature into His Nature. Then, in this, you become a new creation in Christ.
97 There is so many people today who says that the Holy Spirit is not real today. While tens of thousands of them, and millions, are saying it's not so, there's that many enjoying the blessings of It. Mostly are poor people, people who's been dejected and rejected by the world, people who's been throwed out of churches because that they believed God to be God; but they have been filled with His Spirit. They are one in purpose; they're one in heart. Who are those people? Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterian, Catholic, Jehovah Witness, orthodox Jew, all together, they become one. Not one to a creed, not one to a denomination, that's the working of the devil through intellectual conceptions, but the working of the Holy Spirit, the Kingdom of God in you.
And God sets on the throne of your heart in His control room, controlling your emotions, and controlling your powers, controlling your conceptions, and making you one with Him in fellowship and in love. And God fills you with love. He fills you with power. He fills you with the Spirit. He fills you with His own Divine Nature, and He changes your carnal nature into His Nature. Then, in this, you become a new creation in Christ.
143 If you're going to depend upon your--your intellectual's conceptions and so forth, you'll never be borned of the Spirit of God. You've got to forget, like Paul did, all that he ever knowed, and know nothing among you except Christ Jesus, borned anew, afresh. Oh, if... Here... If I could get it to you. See? It's a birth that makes a new generat--a new creation. The very Greek word here, as I was looking it up in the Greek Lexicon the other day, the word "birth" means "creation." When it says, "You are a--new creatures in Christ Jesus," there's a word there, "creature" is the word "creation." You are a new creation, not in the world, but in Christ Jesus. You've been anew...
143 If you're going to depend upon your--your intellectual's conceptions and so forth, you'll never be borned of the Spirit of God. You've got to forget, like Paul did, all that he ever knowed, and know nothing among you except Christ Jesus, borned anew, afresh. Oh, if... Here... If I could get it to you. See? It's a birth that makes a new generat--a new creation. The very Greek word here, as I was looking it up in the Greek Lexicon the other day, the word "birth" means "creation." When it says, "You are a--new creatures in Christ Jesus," there's a word there, "creature" is the word "creation." You are a new creation, not in the world, but in Christ Jesus. You've been anew...
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Time is Running Out
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
- Author unknown
I have been watching with a feeling of grief as girls my age, who once seemed to be grounded firmly in Christ, slowly slip off into the world. Some have been rather showy about it but others just slip out quietly. It is a horrible thing to see... I wish I knew what it was that made them turn away so I could help. My sisters, we must get serious about serving Christ. Time is WAY to short to start playing around with worldly fashions and music. I don't care how innocent it may seem...IT'S WRONG!
Brother Branham said, "Don't let them call you off to something else in amusements and so forth, saying, "There's no harm in this." If there's a question, don't do it. Stay away from it." 54-0403 THE.HAND.OF.THE.LORD.CAME.UPON.HIM_ LOUISVILLE.KY SATURDAY_
E-3 Now, before I'm going to finish this message this morning, the Lord willing. But here's the reason I have to drive at that, if you can't catch it spiritually...
Say, you that wrote me a letter, out there about Ezekiel 33:33, you're on the nail head, but hold your peace.
Now, as... as going... Ern Baxter told me; he said that up in Canada they were having a--a contest for this new Schwinn--Schwinn bicycle. Was going to give a contest who could ride, for I believe a hundred yards of board, fourteen or sixteen inches square, without falling off of a two foot, three foot ramp, go right down that ramp; who could ride closest to the end that would be the winner of the bicycle. Well, Ern said he knew he was going to win it. Said because he could go downtown, get groceries for his mother and never even touch the handlebars. Said just go down... You know how you ride a bicycle. Said, "They was just expert riders."
E-4 Said, "When they all got up there that day to ride," he said... they had a little old sissy boy; he seemed to be kind of a little frail like fellow, and he was the only one that rode it. He rode it right straight out to the end, got off his bicycle; and every one of them fell off before they got any piece at all. So all of them got around, the boys got around him and said, "Why did you do it? How did you do it?
He said, "Now, fellows, I'm going to tell you what--what it was." He said, "I noticed each one of you, where you made your mistake." And said, "I prospered by your mistake." Said, "When you got on your bicycle and they shoved you off," said, "I noticed you like this, trying to keep it on the board." He said, "See, when you look down like this, you get nervous." He said, "When they shoved me, I kept my eye on the end and kept steady."
E-5 There you are. See? That's it, friends; don't look down here what's going today or tomorrow, keep your eye on the end and be steady. See? If you're going to watch and, "Well, if I don't do this, if I don't do this, if I..." See, you're going to fall off sure as the world. See? Just keep your eye on the end, and at the end of every life you meet Jesus. That's right. So just keep your eye on the end and be steady. Let us pray.
Father God, we are entering now into Thy Presence, into Thy sanctuary, where the goodness of God is stored up for those... the hidden manna. I pray God, that You'll break it freely to us this morning in this little few minutes of lesson to wind up this great study on Thy servant, the great patriarch Abraham.
E-3 Now, before I'm going to finish this message this morning, the Lord willing. But here's the reason I have to drive at that, if you can't catch it spiritually...
Say, you that wrote me a letter, out there about Ezekiel 33:33, you're on the nail head, but hold your peace.
Now, as... as going... Ern Baxter told me; he said that up in Canada they were having a--a contest for this new Schwinn--Schwinn bicycle. Was going to give a contest who could ride, for I believe a hundred yards of board, fourteen or sixteen inches square, without falling off of a two foot, three foot ramp, go right down that ramp; who could ride closest to the end that would be the winner of the bicycle. Well, Ern said he knew he was going to win it. Said because he could go downtown, get groceries for his mother and never even touch the handlebars. Said just go down... You know how you ride a bicycle. Said, "They was just expert riders."
E-4 Said, "When they all got up there that day to ride," he said... they had a little old sissy boy; he seemed to be kind of a little frail like fellow, and he was the only one that rode it. He rode it right straight out to the end, got off his bicycle; and every one of them fell off before they got any piece at all. So all of them got around, the boys got around him and said, "Why did you do it? How did you do it?
He said, "Now, fellows, I'm going to tell you what--what it was." He said, "I noticed each one of you, where you made your mistake." And said, "I prospered by your mistake." Said, "When you got on your bicycle and they shoved you off," said, "I noticed you like this, trying to keep it on the board." He said, "See, when you look down like this, you get nervous." He said, "When they shoved me, I kept my eye on the end and kept steady."
E-5 There you are. See? That's it, friends; don't look down here what's going today or tomorrow, keep your eye on the end and be steady. See? If you're going to watch and, "Well, if I don't do this, if I don't do this, if I..." See, you're going to fall off sure as the world. See? Just keep your eye on the end, and at the end of every life you meet Jesus. That's right. So just keep your eye on the end and be steady. Let us pray.
Father God, we are entering now into Thy Presence, into Thy sanctuary, where the goodness of God is stored up for those... the hidden manna. I pray God, that You'll break it freely to us this morning in this little few minutes of lesson to wind up this great study on Thy servant, the great patriarch Abraham.
All that matters in this life is what you have in your your soul. It's your CHARACTER that you are taking with you...nothing else. If you have ruined everything by doing things you KNOW are wrong, you will make it harder for yourself. I'm not saying you can't be saved afterwards, but it will be hard for you to live with the scars that living a worldly life will leave you.
I love you sisters and I never want to hurt you..but please listen to me! Time is running out! Keep pressing forward for Christ and don't let the devil put anything on you. Don't turn to the left or the right, stay in the middle of the road and move forward.
"Unworthy" by Anonymous
"Unworthy!" the dark presence came and impressed.
A soul bound, held fast by the hand dark and cold.
In agony, downcast and demon oppressed.
"Unworthy!" repeats she, to hell, she was sold.
A strong pull, a voice calling, "Come out, be free!"
A magnet is drawing, the Word in her stirring.
Deep calls to the deep, "That's where I'm meant to be!"
An eagle screams, the seed is responding!
"Lord! I'm UNWORTHY! How could You not abhor?"
His voice replying, as He dries all her tears.
"My elected love, your sins are no more!
My righteousness yours, before doubt casted fear."
The Word is received, darkness gives way to light.
The Son is risen, in this life made worthy.
"Come away, My love shall be your might.
My Word born in you, your peace fulfilled in Me."
It's Been A While...
My dear sisters, I am sorry for not posting anything in SUCH a long time. I just haven't had the time to sit and type out a whole newsletter...
From now on I plan to just post things that I have found special to me and contributions from you all. I will still post poems, recipes, craft ideas and book reviews so don't worry. :) I hope you will all continue to enjoy reading this blog and be blessed.
Your Sister at,
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