Friday, April 25, 2014

Tips for Girls Who Like to be Helpful

Single girls here are some thoughts from me to you on what to do with yourself when you go visit someone else’s house.

1. Always ask if there’s anything that you can do.
2. If you see a job that needs done, jump in and do it. Maybe the trash needs emptied or food was dropped on the floor and you can pick or sweep it up.
3. Look for jobs to do, don’t wait to be asked. This is sort of a repeat of #2 but what I’m meaning by this is to think ahead to what needs to be accomplished in order to serve a meal. From my own experience, I have seen girls that seem willing to help but sometimes there will be a job right there in front of them that could be done but they fail to recognize it.
4. If you are given a job, stick with it to the end. Be dependable. Once the hostess has passed the job to you, she doesn't want to have to think about it any longer.
Let me say I don’t put or expect all my guests to work when they come for dinner but if I have a large crowd, it always nice to have some extra hands.
.....pillows are nice for people to bring too because their is always a shortage of those too no matter how many extra one seems to have.

This was originally posted at Sister Elisabeth's site and thought I'd share it! 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Advice to Girls from the Scrapbook of Nellie von Gerichten Smith, circa 1880s

"Somebody gives the following advice to girls. It is worth volumes of fiction and sentimentalism:

Men who are worth having want women for wives. A bundle of gewgaws, bound with a string of flats and quivers, sprinkled with cologne and set in a carmine saucet- this is no help for a man who expects to raise a family of boys on veritable bread and meat. The piano and lace frames are good in their places, and so are ribbons, frills and tinsels; but you cannot make a dinner of the former, nor a bed blanket of the latter- and awful as may seem such an idea to you, both dinner and bed blankets are necessary to domestic happiness. Life has its realities, as well as fancies, but you make it all decorations, remembering the tassels and curtains, but forgetting the bedstead. Suppose a man of good sense, and of course good prospects, to be looking for a wife, what chance have you to be chosen? You may cap him, or you may trap him, or catch him, but how much better to make it an object for him to catch you. Render yourself worthy of catching and you will need no shrewd mother or brother to help you find a market."

Monday, April 7, 2014

Words from the Mothers- Sister Lily Pyatskowit

 A keeper at home must wear many hats, including that of being a nurse when her husband and children are sick.

There are many books available for the home library on the subject, but the two that I have referred to over and over again are:  “Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child” and “Smart Medicine for Healthier Living” by Janet Zand.

The review of the first book states:  “Revised, updated, and expanded to reflect the latest thinking and information on children's health issues, Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child enables parents to combine the best of conventional and alternative approaches. Part One explains the full spectrum of techniques that can be employed to effectively treat childhood health problems, providing an overview of the history, fundamentals, and uses of conventional medicine, herbal medicine, homeopathy, acupressure, diet, and nutritional supplementation. Part Two contains a comprehensive A-to-Z guide to the various health problems of childhood, from acne to chickenpox to thumb-sucking. Finally, Part Three offers guidance on using the therapies and procedures suggested in Part Two, from locating acupressure points to preparing herbal remedies.”

So, when any member of my family comes down with symptoms, I refer to one of the above books.  It tells me what the “normal” treatment would be if I take the child to the doctor, which herbs I can use, and foods to encourage.

Most often, I need to put everything else on hold.  My patient is more important than my “To-do list”. I need to make her comfortable, hold her, sing to her, or read her a story.  She needs to know that I’m there for her.  My words and actions need to be kind and gentle.  I feel a tidy home is important to creating a relaxed atmosphere, but that is secondary to my patient’s needs.  I can put a load of laundry on when she drifts off to sleep.

 My first step is to put on a big pot of chicken stock.  I keep a whole chicken in the freezer for such occasions.  I place the whole chicken in a stock pot, cover it with cold water, add 2 Tblsps. Of apple cider vinegar, 2 carrots, 1 large onion (quartered) and 2 stalks of celery.  Bring to a boil, reduce heat to a simmer and simmer for 12 to 24 hours.  Eventually, I will make chicken soup (with plenty of garlic) for my sick one.  Here’s a link for a good chicken soup recipe. 
We also keep a rice pack in the freezer and another (for heat) in the medicine cabinet.  Our living room is normally our “hospital”.  I make a comfy bed on the couch, complete with an old ice cream bucket that the patient can grab if vomiting is involved.

We drink a lot of hot tea, so I always try to keep our tea cabinet stocked with “Sore Throat Coat”, “Immunity Booster”, “Cold & Flu Chaser”, and “Stomach Soother”.  Everyone in our family takes boat loads of Vitamin C when anyone else is sick and we wash our hands thoroughly and frequently, as well.

Normally, we use natural cleaners for our home, but when illness is going around, I make an exception and buy a disinfectant, paying special attention to door handles, light switches…anything that could transfer germs.

I also put about 1 Tblsp. Of bleach into my dishwater.  (Those of you who use a dishwasher could probably skip this step.)  We make sure to rinse the dishes thoroughly.

Fear of catching an illness may cause you to withhold the love and care your child needs.  I encourage you to trust the Lord to protect you from the illness.  Rarely do I ever catch what my patient has.  I really believe that God protects us when we are doing what He has called us to do.  In this case that is nursing our loved ones.

We keep all medicines in a cabinet above our refrigerator, out of reach of small children.  My medicines consist of a mixture of herbs and conventional medicine.  For instance, I don’t necessarily treat a fever (unless it is above 102) with Tylenol, but I will give Tylenol for a headache.  I try to keep everything I need on hand.  There’s nothing worse than a child waking at 2:00 am with an earache and not having “Wally’s Natural Ear Oil” on hand.  Keeping the thermometer, heating pad, medicine, herbs, essential oils, and vaporizer/humidifier in the same place, lets you find what you need quickly and with little effort.

As young ladies, you may want to start preparing to be a good nurse, by learning to make chicken stock and chicken soup from scratch, purchasing the above mentioned books and reading through them, compiling a first aid kit and medicine/herb cabinet, growing and drying your own herbs for teas, and learning the importance of hand washing and disinfecting every item the sick person uses.  Understanding first aid and CPR would also be very beneficial.

You can practice nursing a sibling who is ill or lend a hand by keeping the other children entertained and the rest of the household running smoothly while mother is busy tending the sick patient.

Sister Lily

Words from the Mothers- Sister Elisabeth Wallace


I’ve heard it said that there is only a few years between your last spanking and when you get married… Hmmm :)

Maybe you think that year is far off but is it?

Whether that day is 1 or 2 or even 5 years away there are some things you can be doing right now while you are waiting.

1. Pray for your future mate.

If it’s the Lord will for you to get married, you have a wonderful privilege to be able to pray for the young man God has chosen for you.  Pray that the Lord give you a Holy Ghost filled mate, that he watches over that young man, protects him, helps him in his decisions and keeps him from the snares of the enemy.

Who you marry is the biggest decision you will ever make outside of giving your heart to the Lord. Each one of you young ladies wants the Lord’s best in your lives so talking and praying to our dear heavenly Father about it is the greatest thing you could do.

“I tell you, dear friend: the best way to find the will of God in some important matters is prayer.” Questions & Answers 1961

My dad prayed for my mom before he ever met her. He would pray that the Lord would bless, keep and guide her. Sometimes he would look up at the stars and wonder if she was looking at them, too.  What a romantic!

Wouldn’t it be special if you knew that the young man God has chosen for you was asking the Lord to be with you and to help you each day?

2. Develop your character by becoming best friends with those in your own family.

If you have siblings, God has given you an opportunity to have built in friendships within your own family. But many times we look at our brother or sister as someone we must endure rather than as a friend.

Marriage does not change your disposition even if you marry the best man on the planet. Why?

Because character is not a gift but a victory as Bro. Branham said.

We all want to be a wonderful helpmeet for our future husbands but now is a training ground for that time. So determine with God's help to be the sister you should be.  Do kind deeds for your siblings without grudging. Something they wouldn't expect from you. Surprise them.

Make them your best friend. Talk to them about the things that interests them. Do things with them.

Maybe there are times when your sibling is not being agreeable at all. Remember the Scripture, “A soft answer turneth away wrath.” Stop in that heated moment, take a deep breath, ask for God to help you and respond kindly. Go to your room, if possible, and compose yourself. And always remember to pray about it. Prayer really is the key to everything.

Build your character now before you say the "I do's" at the altar.

3. Establish Good Habits. Now is the time to form habits that you will want to take into marriage. Any good habit you have in place during your single years will make the marriage years so much easier. When you get married there is so much to learn but if you have worthy habits in place you will make smoother days for yourself.

One of the best things about habits is that once they are habits they become so automatic that you don't even have to think about them.
Some habits that will stand you in good stead....

Making your bed every morning
Keeping your room tidy with clothes picked up (after all how do you expect to keep a house if you cannot keep your room)

Having a schedule for how often you change your sheets

Eating foods that will benefit your health and the health of your future children

Exercising for your health and the health of your future children

Having a personal time with the Lord everyday
This is not an exhaustive list. It is just some things that I feel are very important for young girls to work on now.

To recap. Pray for your future husband! Enjoy your brothers and sisters and learn habits that you can keep forever.

We mom's truly want the best for our girls and we will join with you in prayer if you have a request.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Words from the Mothers- Sister Alena McLearn

As young Ladies, you are preparing yourselves to be one of the best wife and mother any husband or child could ask for.  Your learning how to bake, sew, clean, organize, and garden, and much more.  You are learning to be top notch keepers of the home, and (Lord willing) to be a jewel in a mans crown someday.

I want to take this a step further than just being in the kitchen, or doing laundry, and that is to address the inner being.  The soul.  Among all the preparations of being the best wife, and mother, the most important task should be preparing to be the utmost example of a Christian for your family.

It is not always an easy thing to do, but by the Grace of God, it is possible!   Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.  James 4:6

I would like to share a testimony of what power a humble lady has on her children. My mother.  She was at the age of 12, when God saved her and filled her with the Holy Ghost.  It was then she began to dedicate and prepare herself to be what God called her to be.
My mother became an outstanding Christian and prayer warrior. She can pray like no other.  She was/is such an example of prayer to her husband and children.  Often times, while hearing her pray in her room, no matter what time of day, we children would go to our own rooms to pray.  Mom and dad lived no other life, but what a true genuine Christian should live.  Now, I am not saying they didn't have their mistakes, of course they did.  They definitely were not perfect, but they had so much God in them, that they would acknowledge their mistake and make it right, by apologizing and then taking it to the Lord.  They were clothed in humility, and God gave them the Grace to be what they were called to be.

Often times more than not, I see children going astray, after their own desires of the flesh, instead of taking on the nature of Christ.  Why should this be if we have this scripture,  “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”  Proverbs 22:6
Parents are the very first role model a child has.  When you become a parent, your child will look at you in awe, and say they want to be like you.  The question you can ask yourself is what kind of an example do I want to be for my children?   I know I do not have to tell you this, because you probably already know, but a child can always tell when someone is a hypocrite or if someone is real, walks the walk, talks the talk, especially if that someone is a person you are really close with. Matthew 7:20 "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."  You may say, well....I do not think it really matters how my walk is with the Lord, or that is between me and God.  That maybe true in some degree, but your walk will always effect the ones around you.

I said all that to say is the time to really get a genuine experience with the Lord Jesus.  Beyond having family devotions, start having your own personal devotions, getting alone with God.  Make it a habit, and then it will become a longing.  You will begin to crave to be in that secret place with him.  

When it is time to be married, and start a family, you will already be rooted in Christ Jesus, that you won't have to think of how you are going to be an example to your children, it will just come naturally.  A true genuine example for your children to follow.  You won't have to worry about your children going a stray, because you trained them up, by example, in the ways they should go.  Not just telling them, you should do this, and giving them a tape to listen to, and your actions show something contrary.  Live the life.  Your children will want it too.  It is one of the greatest treasures I think any mother could give.  I know for sure, it was the greatest treasure my mother gave me.